RiledUp42's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hippity-hoppity your code is now my property.

    (THANK YOU!!)

  • lucid Yikes! That's crazy! Thanks for keeping me in the loop!

  • Hi lucid. I've got a weird issue with containers going on. The first and last instances of Spriter objects in Construct 3 have the same container siblings if you load a layout, leave, and return. There's also a related issue where destroying said objects (which you can do in the attached example by hovering the mouse over them) causes a softlock if you reload a previously visited layout (which you can do by left clicking). This all seems to be related to the previously mentioned container issue.

    Example is attached. An assist on this would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • I've now confirmed that the issue is caused by the ray trace starting inside an object and there's no baked-in way of detecting that. That's how we prevented this issue with the old plugin; it has a hitfrac check I can call on to see if the trace started inside an object and respond accordingly. Ashley is that a functionality that's being considered for the LoS behavior, or does anyone have a suggestion on how I could test for that using existing functionality? Testing the normal angle isn't going to work because it returns the same whether it's on the top or bottom of the platform.

  • I used to use a different raycasting plugin for allowing my platforming character to grab ledges, but I've tried to switch to the upgraded Line of Sight plugin instead so that I don't have to rely on a third party plugin. The issue I'm having now is that the character grabs the top and bottom of objects when he should only grab the top. I have to assume this is due to a missing functionality in the LoS plugin that the JCW_Trace plugin had: hitfrac. Any ideas on how to make a check like this? I've attached an image of my code below, but I can provide more info if needed.

  • Attached with plugins and sent. Thanks, Ashley!

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  • I've been working on this project in C2 for upwards of 4 years and just bought a C3 license. I'd really love to bring my project in, but even after I add the add-ins I use, the CAPX import still fails at 6.5% every time. Ashley, any chance you can assist me with this? It's very frustrating.

  • That's what I was looking for! I brought the X and Y randomizer in a bit to make it a bit less crazy, but that's more or less the behavior I wanted. Thanks!

  • I feel like there has to be a way to set the particle settings so that it looks like a bunch of fireflies as opposed to spontaneously spawning glows from the center of a cloud. Does anyone know how I could accomplish that with particle effects? I suppose I COULD do it with standard animation, but this is a much cleaner way to animate them. Thanks!

  • Ah; it was the music file I was using. Fortunately, it was just a placeholder. Thanks guys! I figured it out. I'm just glad there wasn't anything wrong with my scripting.

  • Here's a link to my script as it stands.

  • Thanks for the quick reply! I did import the files separately in the Sound And Music folders but they still won't play simultaneously. Could it be because they're the same file format? I dunno; just spitballing here. I had to set up a script to prevent the sounds romf playing at the same time, but it refers to their tags; not any file.

    I'll take a second look at my scripting; maybe I've missed something. I'll upload pics when I get home.

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Member since 12 Sep, 2013

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