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  • Hi guys, i need your help. I've some items that fall down from the top of the layer and i want them to go out of layout if they have been dragged or dropped.

    Let me explain better:

    when i drag an item for 1 sec or so or i drop it i want it to move out smoothly.

    all objects have physics and i tried to apply foce equal to the layoutWidth on the X and layoutHeight on the Y the problem is that if i click they go out, if i drag/drop for some seconds they rotate on themself and stay in position. You have any better idea on how to do that? Thanks a lot.

  • I found a work-around to fix this problem.

    For smartphone: using scale outer and stretching background a little out of layout size (4% top and 4% bottom), it works well from 400x800 to note 2 resolution and iphone 5.

    For tablets: stretch only the bottom (8%), always scale outer.

    If you wanna test it and give me some feedbacks on other resolutions you can use this url in CocoonJs launcher:


    this version is for smartphones.

    Thanks everybody.

  • But i need to show it entirely. There is no other way?

  • using the old project it still gave a black screen the new one work with remote url too. i think was physics.

  • is a note 2. ye i tried first dropbox then my own domain at least i tried to load the zip from sd

  • i don't know what it was. But in my project i only had an object with physics and drag and drop. I created a new project and then it worked, but i still have to apply physics i don't know if it's not supported in cocoon js. Thanks everybody.

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  • Hi guys, i having problems with construct 2 and mobile resolutions, i already read the post about this topic and then i created this simple background to test on wich device it work.

    In project properties i setted letter box scale and scale outer both work well on iphone5 and note 2 but on tablets and lower resolutions, both, fit the width but not the height.

    Like this:

    480x800 (u can't see it but there is a white bar in the bottom)

    <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/rmmhwg.jpg" border="0" />

    my note 2, where it work well:

    <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/sdg30g.jpg" border="0" />

    anyway i always get these messages:

    <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/14uj5s6.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://i39.tinypic.com/2yowl1w.jpg" border="0" />

    anyone can help me?

    thanks a lot.

  • up.

  • Hi guys, I'm pretty new with Construct 2 and now I'm trying to get a simple layout ( a bottle that fall with 2 physics behaviours, nothing special) into my phone using CoconJS, but it only show a black screen.

    I wanna start saying that the graphics are in 16:9 and i used, as main resolution, 1024 x 548, then I placed into the scene all my objects and I exported for coconJS;

    First of all I loaded the game from a zip placed inside dropbox using CoconJsLauncher, but it didn't work, then I compiled it with laudei cloud service, the result was always the same, black screen.

    At the end I tried to export an example game (shooter one), same story.

    Any one have a solution? Thanks a lot.


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Member since 9 Sep, 2013

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