v00d0's Forum Posts

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  • Hi guys, i having problem with my game and cocoon JS.

    The game is really simple and before i added some new layouts all were working well.

    The problem ive is on cocoon JS launcher export. On some smartphones after few second from start it freeze and crash

    I found this on the console:

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/2d0jrwh.png" border="0" />

    Do you think is releated to my problem?

    Anyone have an idea?

    Thanks a lot.

  • I added it l8er, u know where things doesn't work you try anything out.

  • I've read the post you linked several times.

    this is project proprieties

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/24qkf4p.png" border="0" />

    that's my anchor propieties.

    the think i don't understand it's why all other items show proprely and this sprite not.

    <img src="http://i42.tinypic.com/20t2npl.png" border="0" />

  • i'am using scale inner. I might share with you my project but is almost a full game, what do you suggest?

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  • floor is in place immovable.

    on smartphone it disappear

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/2ytwy3b.png" border="0" />

    on browser

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/sgomr8.png" border="0" />

  • Hallo guys, i having problems with an asset in m game. The floor disappear when i run it on smartphone with cocoonjs.


    I've objects that fall from top to down. At bottom i've a sprite with physics/solid behaviour setted to immovable.

    When i play it on browser everything go well but when i put it on a smartphone/tablet the floor with wich the assets that fall from top collide disappear.

    (this afternoon i tried to apply anchor too but it's the same)

    anyone can help? thanks

  • oh well, i always learn new software by using them. I'll give a look at that tutorial, thanks guys.

  • But my layout size is equal to the ipad3 resolution so when it goes on tablets and smartphone can be resized without problems. If i make a larger layout how will work the resize?

  • Ok to explain my problem better i'll try to describe the game.

    This game is a DB of songs that an italian singer has made for childrens. These songs are represented inside a scenario with wich you can interact while listening the song.

    So at a certain point of the song this hidden area will be activated and players will be be able to interact in this new area, while we are in this new area, the song must continue to play from where it was left, and all the layout must still be alive. So the problem is this, i need to zoom to this place and get inside the cave where i do something for 10 second and then i go out. If i could wrap a layout inside an other.

    Anyway thanks a lot.

  • Is even possible to load a layout inside a layout that is running??

    Let me explain a bit better. I need to enable a secret area that has been created inside an other layout without stopping the main layout running. Is possible to do that in any way?

  • Up!

  • Hi guys, i need your help. I've some items that fall down from the top of the layer and i want them to go out of layout if they have been dragged or dropped.

    Let me explain better:

    when i drag an item for 1 sec or so or i drop it i want it to move out smoothly.

    all objects have physics and i tried to apply foce equal to the layoutWidth on the X and layoutHeight on the Y the problem is that if i click they go out, if i drag/drop for some seconds they rotate on themself and stay in position. You have any better idea on how to do that? Thanks a lot.

  • I found a work-around to fix this problem.

    For smartphone: using scale outer and stretching background a little out of layout size (4% top and 4% bottom), it works well from 400x800 to note 2 resolution and iphone 5.

    For tablets: stretch only the bottom (8%), always scale outer.

    If you wanna test it and give me some feedbacks on other resolutions you can use this url in CocoonJs launcher:


    this version is for smartphones.

    Thanks everybody.