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  • considering the player doesnt have to exactly face the door but just be walking close to it to trigger "open door', the simpliest way would be to add a layer and use block sprites as collision and make this layer invisible to the player (by selecting the layer and uncheck Initially visible in its propery).

    you would of course make the block sprite size bigger than the door.

    Then you will write the code where:

    - if player/sprite overlap the block sprite on your invisible layer

    >>> trigger the door animation

    >>> disable the solid state of the door that he can walk through it.

    you will have to reverse it (animation and solid state) when the player is not overlaping anymore the the block sprite that you use as collision detection if you want the door to close automatically and become solid again.

    sincdee you certainly will have more than one door ;) I would suggest to add an instance variable for the doors and block sprites you use for collision that when a block sprite is overlaped by the sprite of your player, you can grab the ID of the block and know exactly which door to open/close since youm made sure they share the same ID.

  • one way to do it quick and dirty would be to disable the collision of one of the sprite...

    The clean way would be to use the collision filter.

    its in the MISC section of your sprite when you add an action inside your project

  • Hey Alon,

    I'm not an expert, but whatever you are trying to build, you need to consider the mechanic of your project and everything in it as object (as much as possible).

    Each object share individual properties specific to them and other properties that they share together with, potentially, different parameters

    That's where function becomes useful.

    For example and theorically, if you have 2 sprites that can move but dont move at the same speed, you can design a function that handle moving them instead of writing twice the same code just because they don't move at the same speed.

    You will associate a parameter with this function (like speed) and when you will need to move one pf the sprite, you would call the function handeling the move, and send the parameter speed to tell the function the speed to use.

    This way you have only one piece of code usable for all your sprites that do the same job but accept variation/parameters in the way it does it.

  • First, You can only connect to a chat room if you have the right room and instance.

    IF i suppose that the chatroom is not always the same, what I would do is that I would connect your app with an ajax request to a file you update on the backend (could be a json or even a db) and when someone request to join a specific chatroom to have a flag that check if the person is authorized to do so.

    the logic for each player would look like:

    1. click a button or whatever to join a chat room

    2. ajax call to check if the person is autorize to join it

    3. send him or not into the chatroom based on the answer the ajax give you

    The logic to update the backend information would look like:

    1. Player do something specific that make him able to join the chat room

    2. flag him inside the app as authorized to join the chat room

    3. when he request it, do an ajax to grab the chat room info to connect him to it.

    whatever solution you want to use, as you understood, the all authorization procesd happens outside the chatroom and the multiplayer plugin is not involved at all.

  • for those who was waiting for an answer on this post. I opened an issue on github and the problem will be solved in the next release.


  • Little late on this post, but is it possible to do a raidal gradient with it like this one https://drive.google.com/open?id=1wObw_ClFT2agHAF_uQTotJeKYAtYh2b1?

    I only saw horizontal gradient in the tutorial.

    And if the answer is yes, can this gradient be animated?

  • I don't know what I'm doing wrong because in browser preview mode it works, but if i generate a debug apk then the json file are not loaded into the dictionnary

    this is what I'm doing to load the json:

    System >>> on start layout >>> AJAX >>> request datadata.json (tag "gamecardinfo')

    AJAX >>> on "gamecardinfo" completed >>> Dictionary_gamecardsinfo >>> load from JSON string AJAX.LastData

    As I wrote at the beginning, in preview mode in the browser, the dictionnary is populated just fine, but if I export the project as a debuf APK, the dictionary is empty.

    Thank you for your help

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  • worked for me (opened with r138-2) in chrome Version 72.0.3626.109 (Official Build) (64-bit)

  • Hey Guys,

    Having a lot of fun so far playing with construct3 trying to adapt an old prototype of a game I did in VB6 a while ago.

    I was wondering what would be the best option to publish an app on IS/Android with the fact that there are a bunch of textual content (like a bunch of question, each of them being indexed) I would like to put in a remote file on a server - or something similar- an called from the app, to be able to update this content at will without having to update the app itself?

    I saw a lot of example in the forum but nothing that clearly said that it would work with the security restriction applied with IOS and Android publication.

    Any hint /example to put me in the right direction would be mmore than welcome.

    Thank you

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