Greetings everyone in the Scirra community. My name is Chris, I'm the story writer and character design developer for a group of dedicated people whom are all in the process of designing a 2D fighting game for the PC, and eventually/hopefully for the consoles. We are incredibly dedicated FGC(fighting game community) members and inspired by games like the Marvel vs. Capcom series, BlazBlue, Guilty Gear series, Persona 4, Skull girls, and more, we launched forward to make our own unique and enthralling addition to the video gaming world. We meet on voice chats weekly, have an investor, and so far an amazing story that is unlike most we've seen. We have almost 20 complete character concepts and are aiming for 40 with further DLCs(downloadable content). Working on level design, sprites, and more.
But here's the thing, we need programmers, sprite design/animators, and other people who are similarly dedicated and skilled in making a great fighting game, which will find a huge following in this ever-growing niche of video gaming. We will be setting up a Kick-starter, Facebook, and other social sites soon. If you are interested, please leave me a message at this email for more information.
Check out our website!
Further posts to follow. =)