Squidster - I like the demo! So, I tinkered around with the developer tools in Chrome, IE and Firefox and, due to my ignorance I couldn't find anything that stood out as a cause for the janking... at first. As you posted already there are lots of frame drops and janks aplenty in full screen. I'm running i7 16 gb with 2gb vram (intel hd4600) - heck, it's a gaming laptop and should eat this sort of game!
I did spot something of interest when I was using the developer console - I re-sized the game window to see at what size caused the janking to start (I also found small windows were rendered very well, no missed frames etc). I noted that the game was scaled from 1280x720 and, as soon as the game window width exceeded 1280, even by a couple of pixels, the frame drops and janks started (the dt diff went from 3 to 18). With a window width less than or equal to 1280 then everything was good. So, this jank problem is, in part at least caused by some sort of up-scaling problem with c2.... A thought - are all of your images designed to give high quality at full HD or are they just up-scaled from the 1280x resolution?