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  • Hi all,

    I've followed the instructions from CanGame's tutorial about creating statistics on the kongregate website, adding the kongregate object to my game, adding the submit statistic action to my game, and making sure the names of each statistic match the name of the kongregate action in Construct.

    For some unknown reason, Stats and Highscores are still not working for me. I know a few others are having this problem too. Does anyone know why the instructions work for some but not for others?

    My host requires that I upload a .zip file of my game online to keep things together and reduce the size. However, I don't think this is the problem. Using Dropbox is not an option for me, although I have tried this method with the unzipped game using Dropbox in the past and it still did not work.

    Help, please?

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  • I've finished my game and I'm ready to publish it to my website.

    However, a feature of my game is for it to continue running when you're not focusing on it (e.g. when minimised or a new tab/window is open.)

    How would I stop the game from pausing?


    Please when you can Arima thanks!

  • - Did the "High Scores" tab appear immediately after integration? I followed these instructions a day ago and it seems not to have had an effect.

  • I have created the "Score" statistic on both Kongregate and my Construct 2 project. I exported the project for Kongregate and uploaded it all to Dropbox. Kongregate accesses the index.html file through an iframe.

    Ashley - Is kongregate_shell.html required to do integrate the highscores API for this release? I'm using Construct 2 r142.

  • zenox98 Thanks, it seems that by switching from jump-thru to solid behavior in my platforms while the player is falling, the problem is eradicated.

  • Hey everyone, quick question about jump-thru behaviour.

    I used Ashley's manual to get to the point where my player can jump up through platforms and land on them. However, often my player will jump through the platform, fall back through it and land on the ground instead of the platform.

    Does anyone have an idea why this is happening?

  • LittleStain I love those trikes!! I even made them part of my transportation project at uni :D

  • Hi all! I'm Immanuela and I started making games a couple of months ago.

    My main motivation was when I entered a Game store and there was lots of advertising for the new OUYA console. When I read that players could develop their own games for it, I considered the idea of making my own game.

    I started on Java and Eclipse and finished my first game. The I hit a wall when I couldn't get it to play outside of Eclipse. I gave up on it until I remembered reading about logic based game makers that didn't require code. I went with Construct 2 because it received the best review and it turned out to be the best decision I made. The game that I got stuck with in Eclipse was quickly recreated in Construct 2 and can now be played!

    Nevada City Gold Rush - Play now!

    I've recently discovered game making competitions and entered my first Ludum Dare:

    Ghost Pirate's Ship of Treasures - Play now!

    I like this product so I intend to stick to it as long as it meets my needs.

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Member since 25 Aug, 2013

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