I could be wrong....but if i recall correctly,
digitalsoapbox who is the developer of Sombero, actually has some experience of getting it to run on the Xbox One's UWP platform also.
Sombrero* but close enough .
C2 games with any level of complexity don't run very well on XB1, period. This includes with the limits placed on Dev mode not being in place, which you need to be accepted into IDjpr@XBox to get access to, and the limits are still somewhat lower than what's available to non-UWP tech, though even those limitations don't really explain the performance issues.
Why this is the case isn't especially relevant (so any apologists can save their typing fingers), but until things are a bit tighter engine-side - in addition to the features required by XBox games still needing to be added to Construct - so I wouldn't get your hopes up just yet, considering C2's performance track record on consoles or lack thereof. Interestingly, Unity UWP deployments, while they can also have performance issues, tend to be more related to export options than what their HTML5 tech is capable of, and it's just a matter of editing the right files after export to get the kind of performance you'd expect, considering the hardware in the console.
There is also the extreme memory limitations of a game running in the background when using Construct w/ UWP, which is very low, and considering Construct has no direct way to clear memory to get under the limit (around 128MB*), you'd be pretty limited on what you can do anyway. As in, less than you could do in a typical mobile game (where C2 performance can also be...questionable). While the memory limit is obviously not just an issue with C2, providing ways to sneak in under it certainly is.
This could obviously all change in the future, but I can't say I recommend waiting for something that *might* happen when there are tools available that can make it happen now.
*EDIT: The 128MB limit refers to what's available when a UWP app is running in the background