CureLovelyWarrior's Recent Forum Activity

  • The desktop build still uses zips for NW.js exports, because extracting the files on a Windows machine breaks Mac and Linux exports, because Windows doesn't understand the special file permissions needed for executable apps on those systems. The zip file is configured to set the right permissions so it works if you extract it on the target system. See the tutorial Exporting desktop apps with NW.js.

    That doesn't apply to any of the other exporters, which let you export to a folder in a desktop build.

    Thank you for the explanation! I looked at the tutorial and tried to understand the best I could, so unfortunately there's no way around this? I only export for windows anyways (choose to export only the "win32" option), so I think it'd be nice if the option to export as a non-zip file could still be there somehow.

    Plus, C2 exports all 5 builds as non-zip files, does that mean the mac/linux builds exported in C2 were broken all along? Or does it mean things changed since then?

  • CureLovelyWarrior I'm guessing its the "compress final zip" checkbox option in the export window, but it doesnt seem to make a difference in my testing.

    Changing that option didn't do what I wanted, unfortunately. Unchecking that still made a zip file that I had to download, it was simply a bigger, less compressed one like I'd expect. :(

    but, thanks anyways. :)

    I hope Ashley can come along and say something on the matter

  • CureLovelyWarrior - So if i understand, you just want to know where the temporary storage location that C3 is storing the project while its zipping it up in the hopes that you can access those before it zips them?

    In C2, exporting the game with nw.js (again, haven't tried exporting for other platforms), does not result in a "final zip file" that I need to download, but just in a folder of exported files (for which the location can be chosen). But C3 seems to be taking away my ability to do this. The bit from the original post implies to me there is a way to do it the old way, but I have not yet figured out how to do it.

  • CureLovelyWarrior - File/save as/save as project folder

    This is an option if you don't want it all to be compressed into a .c3p file (similar to a zip)

    It will keep all of your files in directories for you.

    I'm talking about where the exported game's folder is saved, not the project folder of the source files.

    I want to export to disk, rather than have to make a zip file and then download it.

    edit (to hopefully be more clear): When I export (with nw.js at least), it exports the game as an actual zip file with a .zip extension. I want to just export all the files to a chosen folder on disk instead of making the game into a zip file. I assumed that's what my quote of the original post meant, is that I can do that in the desktop version. However, I can not figure out how.

  • "You can export a project directly to a folder on disk, rather than as a zip file."

    Can somebody please tell me exactly how I access this feature?

    I've looked all over at the manual and everything, but I can't find out how to do it and I don't see an option for it anywhere in the exporter.

    My game is exported for nw.js, but I assume in theory that doesn't matter anyways?

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  • CureLovelyWarrior No problem mate

    Don't forget to vote on the Link for MoveTo to be included as Official Behaviour on C3

    Thanks, I voted +3!

    I read what was written there and I definitely agree with it, I think it sounds like Ashley might've been a bit misleading by saying the two behaviors serve the exact same purpose.

    I also hope too that if it becomes official, the official version will be able to read events made with Rex's version and that I won't have to go and change them all.

    Regardless, me having the Rex version with C3 runtime is definitely a big help, and now it seems like my game is able to switch to C3 runtime... though I'm still experimenting on whether I actually want to make the switch to C3 or not for other reasons combined. This definitely brings me closer. But changing from C2 to C3 is still a big deal for me and I'm still not sure if I'm ready for it. <3

  • > I'd be willing to possibly pay somebody to convert Moveto to work with C3 runtime. (it's already converted for C3 itself, but not C3 runtime)

    > Even though there's official tween behavior now, Moveto is too embedded in my project for me to want to do the work of changing all the things that use it.

    > PM me how much and I will consider it. Might not have the money right away at the moment but my consideration is serious. :)


    > Also, btw, if anybody isn't yet aware, Rex released the source code to his plugins:


    > If this doesn't work out I'm gonna have to definitely stick to C2 for sure I'm afraid.

    CureLovelyWarrior Check this Thread if you haven't seen it where there are two Links one for (MoveTo Ported to C3 RunTime with a few features Missing) and another Link To Vote for a Request to Include MoveTo as Official Behaviour

    Thank you, I wasn't aware this existed. Trying it out now <3

  • And also the. C3 add-ons from the link does not show up after installation

    The .c3addons of Rex's addons were converted to work in C3, but only if using the C2 runtime.

    My guess from what you're saying is that you just installed C3? Then it would likely be defaulting to the C3 runtime and therefore not showing up.

    Currently absolutely none of Rex's plugins work with C3 in C3 runtime, not even the ones that were converted. This is what I'm hoping to pay for :)

  • I'd be willing to possibly pay somebody to convert Moveto to work with C3 runtime. (it's already converted for C3 itself, but not C3 runtime)

    Even though there's official tween behavior now, Moveto is too embedded in my project for me to want to do the work of changing all the things that use it.

    PM me how much and I will consider it. Might not have the money right away at the moment but my consideration is serious. :)

    Also, btw, if anybody isn't yet aware, Rex released the source code to his plugins:

    If this doesn't work out I'm gonna have to definitely stick to C2 for sure I'm afraid.

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Member since 7 Dec, 2018

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