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  • Oh, that icon is actually the Enemy sprite! From your first screenshot I thought it was the player, sorry for that.

    Here is an easier way to do what you want:

    Thank you so much! Sorry for the confusion at the beginning, but I am happy my problem is fixed now :)

  • Here is a larger portion of the code. The rest is working just fine so I did not include it. The game so far already has over 100 events so I could not fit it all anyway. The Player character is just controlled with the up, down, left and right key and all of the animations that correspond with those work just fine. When the enemy goes left/right it will play the animation AND do the movement. When it goes up/down it will play the animation OR the movement. Is this because it is a sub event? It was the only way I could code it so the enemy could even do any actions at all in all four directions.

    I also tried the code this way but the same error occurs


  • here is the code! sorry, I wrote that at school and I could not take a photo on my computer there.

  • I have an NPC that follows the player character and when they move left and right it is fine. When the character moves up and down it will choose either to just play the "Up"/"Down" animation or it will move up/down (with no animation). How come it works just fine when it is left and right but when it is up and down it won't work? (The code is identical for the left/right/up/down just with their respective animation/movement)

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  • Can someone please help with this? If it's not clear enough on what I want, I can clarify if that is needed. Thank you :)

  • I'm trying to code my enemy to follow the player. This is my current code but after the Enemy.X = the Player.X the enemy starts moving left and right rapidly. I would like it if the enemy has the same X as the player and then starts move up and down after both X's are identical, but anyway to make this work is fine. I also only want the enemy to move in four directions(left, right, up, down) since I'm trying to make a pixel RPG. Thanks!

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Member since 12 Nov, 2018

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