Add an instance variable on object A, at the point where you pin object B to it, set the objectA.var to the UID of object B. Then later on you can say when player collides with objectA, pick object B where UID = objectA.var
Use a function on the action. On the function add a parameter for the variable and send through the function the hero.ID (it picks the overlapping one automatically). Then in the function, if param=left pick hero where ID= right and set variable, if param=right pick hero where ID=left and set variable.
Maybe your project is set to load from a blank layout you don't use. Check if start up layout is different to one you tend to use in the editor.
Use Advanced Random permutation table which is a shuffled array of numbers from 1-10 then use each one in order, you access each index with advancedrandom.permutationtable(X) etc, so if you use a loop for 1-10 and replace X with loopindex there you have it.
You can literally select events ctrl+c and then ctrl+v in the other project. If there's something missing in the second project it will display an error.
Did you try it because yes that's possible with a simple copy and paste if everything is the same such as variables to be referenced
How did you make the skin or what is it? Do you mean in app purchases on Google store or are you talking about something you made in the game itself?
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Give them an instance variable set to 3, 2 and 1 from left to right. Then say for each object where object.var less than or equal to num lives, set visible (don't destroy just change whether it is visible or not)
Could guess all day :D share project file if you can.
Default controls property not ticked so arrows don't work. No custom controls set to move it. It's disabled. It has no speed or acceleration.
Member since 5 Aug, 2013