awesome! I love homemade games like this.. its really great!
you made it really hard though! there was a nasty hidden egg in the coffee house.. I never even saw it.. I clicked it by mistake.. I must have heard that Winter Wonderland song about 5 times!!
after a certain amount of time you should pop up a message and say click space for a hint. Then have your mouse pointer glow blue if they are no where near an egg and then more red as they get closer to one!
I made one for my son the past few years where he has to navigate our house in the game and hit the space bar to scan for a present.. then if he gets a hit he has to go run to where that is in the house irl and find the present. he loved it when he was 6, then it became a tradition.. now he's 9 and I had to make it a lot more difficult with riddles and math problems... but I like this idea.. I may have to borrow it!