That didn't work...However I failed to mention I'm trying this on an unbound layout.
So my MiniMap for enemies that are on the same layer as the player is:
Every Tick Set Position (of Enemy_Indicator) to:
Player_indicator.X + (alien.X - Player.X) / MiniMapZoom
Player_indicator.Y + (alien.Y - Player.Y) / MiniMapZoom
The player indicator I am treating as the "center".. since it's like Zans Minimap (from minecraft). This works perfectly for all object on the same layer. MiniMapZoom is the scale of the map (increments of 10).
So when you begin the level, the player is not moving and all object's positions are the same distance for all layers. It's not until the player moves does the the Xs grow apart. The drawn parallaxed position would seem to have to include the player's speed or the scroll amount of the screen...
Something like:
Every Tick Set Position (of Planet_Indicator) to:
Player_indicator.X + (Planet.X * (LayerParallax(3) / 100) - Player.X) / MiniMapZoom
Player_indicator.Y + (Planet.Y * (LayerParallax(3) / 100) - Player.Y) / MiniMapZoom
but this doesn't work... whatever the calculation is, the modifier would have to equal 0 at the beginning before the player starts moving.. then it would have to accumulate as the player started to move. I've been working on this too long and can't see it... I can feel the answer.. but it eludes me!