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  • If you are still looking for help with voice-over - let me know:

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  • Medieval/Fantasy BattleCommandig — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This assets contains voice-over speeches of military commander of medieval or fantasy themed setting. Suitable for strategy games. </p><p>The pack includes 36 different speeches each with 2 versions (spoke in slightly different way), inter alia:</p>

    • For the king!
    • Steady
    • Chaaaaaarge!
    • Stand in a line
    • Forward
    • Regroup!
    • Take no prisoners!
    • Take your position
    • To the right flank!
    • They come from behind!
    • Come back cowards!
    • In the name of Lord
    • Fight until you die
    • Kill them all
    • Brace yourselves

    <p>If you need some other voice-over sounds specifically for your project, you may contact me via support contact email.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Medieval/Fantasy BattleCommandig

  • Hello Everybody,

    If you need a voice-over, narration or voice acting for your game project, I would be more than happy to cooperate.

    I am a semi-pro, semi-amateur performer and I have appropriate tools/hardware and home studio to record voice and other sounds if needed. I speak Polish, English and Ukrainian.

    My native language is Polish, however my English accent is somehow neutral and good enough to be clearly understood by both native and none-native speakers. Especially that nowadays English has many varieties and is more considered as an international language rather than a national one (imho).

    You can check my previous records on Scirra Store:

    And some records (mostly in Polish) on Soundcloud:

    I am interested in both commercial and non-commercial projects. Regarding commercial, a respective payment/retribution is required. For non-commercial, an appropriate credit is highly satisfying.

    I can be contacted by borys.lektor

  • Number & Counting Voice-Over — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This is a pack of voice-over sounds of number and digits for IVR-like score annoucments, counting, automated information that includes... numbers ;-)</p><p>The assets includes following speeches: </p>

    • 0 (zero), NONE,
    • numbers from 1 to 19,
    • decimal numbers: 20, 30, 40... 90,
    • hundred, hundreds, thousand, thousands, million, millions, billion, billions,
    • Infinity
    • Your score is�
    • You have scored�
    • Selected option�
    • Level�
    • You have�.
    • �point(s)
    • ordinal number: 1st, 2nd, 3rd up to 10th

    <p>Most of announcements has two versions (spoken in two different ways).</p><p>If you need some other voice-over sounds specifically for your project, you may contact me via support contact email.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Number & Counting Voice-Over

  • Shooter/MOBA Voice-Over 2014 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    <p>This is a simple pack of voice-over sounds for comments and announcements for shooter games and/or MOBA games or similar. The pack contains 33 .wav mono files.</p><p>Among them you can find following speeches:</p>

    • counting (1, 2, 3 and so on up to 10),
    • "Game Over"
    • "Mission failed"
    • "Out of ammo"

    <p>and couple more. Most of announcements has two versions (spoken in two different ways).</p><p>If you need some other voice-over sounds specifically for your project, you may contact me via support contact email.</p>

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Shooter/MOBA Voice-Over 2014

    Will new version of Scirra Arcade include some additional categories/sections/tags/filters/division for uploaded games, such as

    • playable (full) games,
    • demos/previews
    • tests

    and so on?

    I like Arcade very much and I found quite a lot of intresting projects and some inspirations for my own, but unfortunatly among good projects there is also much too much of junk that spams the arcade :/ It's very anoying to see a "game" uploaded only for purpose of testing or uploaded because the author thinks this is "game" that anyone else could be happy to play.

    I fully understand that there needs to be also a place for testers or beginers who are looking for advices/help, but such projects should be certainly filtered if visitor is not intrested in participating in "testing".

    Also some moderators would be helpful if someone incorrectly puts a test project as fully playable game.

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Member since 20 Jul, 2013

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