DUTOIT's Recent Forum Activity

  • Are you trying to get rid of clone? or do you want the clone to push the button?

    Your first post you couldn't understand why there was a clone after main character dies.

    Each time he dies, he clones himself and clone does what main character did. This is the recording feature.

    To stop the clone. Destroy it.

    link to screenshot: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4y7ddbyhq4x5 ... sprite.JPG

    If you want the clone to push the button, that is too detailed to go into now and time consuming to solve (Suggest you post in the job board and hire someone) Because that is a pretty advanced game sequence.


    Вы пытаетесь избавиться от клона? или вы хотите клон нажать на кнопку?

    Ваш первый пост, вы не могли понять, почему был клоном после умирает главный герой.

    Каждый раз, когда он умирает, он клонирует себя и клон делает то, что сделал главный герой. Это функция записи.

    Чтобы остановить клон. Уничтожить его.


    ссылка на скриншоте: https://www.dropbox.com/s/l4y7ddbyhq4x5 ... sprite.JPG

    Если вы хотите клон нажать на кнопку, которая является слишком подробным, чтобы идти в настоящее время и отнимает много времени, чтобы решить (Предложить вы разместите в работу совета и нанять кого-то) Потому что это достаточно продвинутый последовательность игра.


    And here he pushes the button

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/24rnab37en43t ... button.JPG

  • Вы забыли уничтожить вашего персонажа. Если он умрет, он будет уничтожен, то создается снова

    Событие 18. Добавить уничтожить спрайт

    до остановки записи

    Посмотрите это событие 19. Смотреть уничтожить.

  • I can not understand how to do the following: (I do not know how to implement it for a long time I try to do it all, but it does not work) http://c2community.ru/forum/download/fi ... & mode = view 1 . When the main character dies, he is reborn and appears CLONE CLONE http://c2community.ru/forum/download/file.php?id=2860 2.on presses the button, the door opens

    Source: http://my-files.ru/ips6y9

    used a translator. if that sorry

    You forgot to destroy your character. If he dies he is destroyed, then created again

    Event 18. Add destroy sprite

    before stop recording

    Look it event 19. See the destroy.

    Sidenote: We don't speak russian. It took me a couple seconds to run it though http://translate.google.com/

    Why don't you do that instead of expecting other to do it for you. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

  • https://www.udemy.com/platform-game-cre ... t-2-html5/


    https://www.udemy.com/beginner-game-dev ... nstruct-2/


    https://www.udemy.com/create-an-infinit ... nstruct-2/

    I'm not the author <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Its a little fast, but you can pause rewind and view as often as you want. And over 2 hours each.

  • Sorry for the terrible bump, figured it'd be better than opening a new one about it..

    I purchased Construct 2 Personal Edition few days ago, and I'm encountering the same "open capx file" issue... While others reverted to using the non-steam edition, I can't do that, since I don't have a license file after purchasing it from Steam...

    Any news about this issue?

    There are a few work-a-rounds, but I don't see this issue being resolved by steam anytime soon. They pretty much said to me - they don't care.

    I had endless issues with steam version over and above broken file association, and moved to the stand-alone version. Best thing that ever happened.

    I also have since not purchased any software from steam based on my experience with them over issues. Games yes, software, never again.

  • You've probably exceeded one of the other limitations - like effects etc

    I had same issue when I started. And when I got to 88 events I brought the personal license, should have done that long before as families alone were worth it not to mention sub folders etc

    I have since brought the business license - very impressed with C2. I thought it was a hobbiest tool, etc, etc. I couldn't have been more wrong. It kicks many many big boy software's to the curb.

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  • rekjl

    The browser sees localhost and ip (e.g and localhost:50000 and as four completely separate websites.

    Also webstorage isn't webstorage per say. It is stored into the browsers cache that viewed the game.

    So your pc chrome browser stores your game session data into your pc's chrome cache. Your mobile phone will store its own game session data. You can't access the data from your pc to your phone.

    Webstorage stores data into the browser cache. (if you delete the cache, you loose your data).


    Construct2 preview using chrome as default: press F12 while in preview in chrome and goto Resources and localstorage and click your game ip:50000? or whatever yours is and view what is currently stored.

  • Anything "new" takes getting used to.

    The new look (still under development) is pretty good and I have full faith in Tom with regards to what he wants the end product to be.

  • Yip, saw that, has the game progressed? 15 min and it was still stuck in same screen. Too many people up / down / left / right even when you use democracy half still doing opposite to others.

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