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  • I thought it was $70 a month or $1500 flat.

    $75 then you want to export your game right? lol, so start adding in the addons at $75/m or +$1500 each because android/iOS not included etc

    I was hoping the multiplayer would be a subscription based model of even $25 a year would finance another dev.

    Ashley is a "god" with what he achieves programming wise. A true legend. I tip my hat to him.

  • lol, $300/month that's why... can fund a whole team to work on features etc

  • Because nota_do = sound is a condition, so you can only left click mouse button on nota_do if it equals sound. If it doesn't then nothing happens. Use sub event and Else

    I suggest you read the manual and learn how events work.

    You should really spend some time getting the basics down, do the example games etc.

  • I presume you are talking about the character standing in the block?

    This is because you didn't set your collision polygon. Its these little dots that you drag out to the edges...


    I made the sprite a little bigger(more clear space and dragged it out a fraction) you need to do same for rest i.e character doesn't have a barrier, only on left.

    This is the solid barrier that cannot be crossed so to speak.

  • Cool, I'll have a play around with that later. Does the invisible sprite also need to have the main movement routines (eg I'm currently using MoveTo + Line of Sight to chase the player when they can see him), or can you assign those to the main sprite, and just leave the pinned invisible ones as Custom Movement with Solid enabled and it'll work itself out?

    My main problem in the past has been the way sprites sort of 'pop' around the place when pushing out of solids, especially when clumped - it just looks glitchy and bad. A lot of my game is also in very tight tunnels which makes it doubly hard to find something that works.

    No, use pin behavior and pin barrier box on start of layout to enemy.

    Try widening your collision polygon. Open sprite edit and bottom left is lots of dots, drag them out to widest points, try to make circle round sprite this is the barrier for solid. See how that looks before adding invisible sprite, make sprite image bigger (the clear space) and widen the circle till it looks about right... see if that works. I say circle because square will give that bumping look when colliding. circle rolls around nicely.

    Edit: monitz87 answered above perfectly, but try and play around with collision polygon first, see how it looks

  • I think what he means is pinning an invisible sprite to every enemy, and making that sprite have a bigger hitbox than the actual enemy sprite (the area which you don't want other enemies to enter). You should also place it in a container with the enemy. Then, whenever those sprites collide with something, you can do whatever your logic determines (such as making the enemies go away from each other and then continue to pursue the player), or if you want the easy way out you just give the invisible sprite the solid behavior.

    This way you achieve enemies never clipping with each other without actually having to affect their hitbox (which I assume you want unchanged for shooting them or whatever way you have of damaging/defeating them)


    If you are a sucker for punishment you can also run a few checks when enemy 10px from hero do this that etc

    But I would go the clear sprite / add container / pin it or set collision polygon wider than enemy and turn on solid behavior.

    But the clear sprite and collision gives you greater options with AI.

    Sidenote: I suck at AI too... lol

    I accidently hit back button and wiped my comment above. I said something like force field/invisible barrier, couldn't remember in case you wonder why I edited it

  • put an invisible barrier around enemy.

  • another example...


    And another way is you can also add buttons functionality to groups and enable/disable groups.

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  • Arima, its happending in preview... and yes it messes with logic - lol, I didn't submit my game into the construct2 competition because the logic wasn't working, turns out that the changes weren't being reflected correctly, so what I thought was a random bug that broke the game, was actually the cache not being refreshed with new updates/changes.

    Its actually weird, it doesn't do it all the time - hence it took me awhile to catch on. Agree that preview a second time (used to fix) because last night those red boxes remained even on 2nd/3rd/9th time in IE. I changed browser to chrome and firefox and boxes were gone. I then changed back to IE and it they were still there.

    The boxes disappeared after a couple minutes... think cache was flushed by time passed/software/c2 but it showed changes.

    Anyways, this has happened a number of times, I originally thought it was my logic, the way I tried to do things, but it definitely isn't reflecting changes, well not immediately at least. (this is on rare occasions only, not every time)

    Took me awhile to catch on because I don't build a game in one project. I build it in modules multiple projects then add them all together at the end.

    Edit: I see you point after reading your bug report in more detail. I think this is something else, but it is also the same, or at least a blend between both bug reports.

    Bug at its core: Changes don't reflect in preview, the fact that I added a variable and it didn't show. Deleted a sprite and it remained, says it is cache issue. Perhaps ashley has more insight.

    Problem is it doesn't happen all the time, it can't be reproduced - which won't help ashley. I am just going to have to cycle browsers for preview to get latest changes.

  • Ashley, sorry didn't spot open bug by Arima, and I can confirm that this happens 100% with Internet Explorer. So judging by other topic it is all 3 browsers.

    link to active bug topic by Arimia

  • bland that is because your browser caches the files. It is common practice to always either refresh the browser (even better hit Ctrl+F5 to clear the cache) or to just close your browser after each preview and let it launch a new one. That is not a bug, that is just the way browsers work.

    Not entirely true, C2 has a update type version number that when doesn't equal cached version number should flush c2 cache and show updates correctly. I know c2 has something like that build in, problem is that it goes wack eyed periodocally. This is the same thing that updates html5 games to latest release etc etc. Your end user can't be expected to refresh if he wants to install new version of game I don't know how ashley has designed it, but it used to work. lol.

    But I do agree its good practice to flush the cache as a programmer, but it isn't good if it is designed to self update and it isn't

    Ashley, sorry I created another bug report on same topic, I didn't see this one. I can confirm 100% it is also Internet Explorer. So it is all 3 browsers.

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