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  • It needs to do that, but you could wrap your code up using

    System. Every [add number seconds here]

    And possible toggle pause/unpause every second????

    And the battery will have zero effect (Zero Savings) running your app the way you discribe. You lose more battery juice using a screen, wifi, etc.

  • Very promising.

  • Agree with littlestain. When the html page is not infocus (i.e minimized) the game stops.

    Only option is 3rd party plugins or some custom hacks.

  • That should be fine. " " or ' ' as long is you are consistent.

    Sounds like you trying to store text directly so you have to change all the " to "" or ' and then put quotes around the whole thing.

    And yes, the size is specific to your json file [width, height, depth]

    oh, and is your json for array or dictionary?

    as dictionary with ' ' would look like this...

    I create a basic structure using c2, then download to json. That way I get the formatting perfect. Using 3rd party json editors only works once you have the basic structure down.
  • You need to structure your json file so that C2 can understand it.

    An example of a json file Cdata2.zip from the tutorial.

    This is the important part, and obviously opening and closing correctly

  • well...let's say ..I have the 100 levels in the game and want to know the Score for each level...

    I think it's better to have one Array object than 100 Variables...(Level1_Score; Level2_Score;..Level77_Score..)

    ...but I could be wrong..

    Well in this situation a array would be best. I under the impression OP wanted to carry level 1 score to level 2 to level 3 etc.

    But, if he wants to store a score for each level then array would be best.

    Store level / score

    Array Push back "Score" on X axis

    Array Set value at (array.width-1, 1) to level

    Array set value at (array.width-1, 2) to score

    Fetch Level / score

    Array for each x element

    System compare array.at(array.curx) = "Score"

    System compare array.at(array.curx,1) = level

    Add action to return score so set text array.at(array.curx,2)

  • Great news. Congrats.... err, I think... lol.

    Couldn't think of anyone better to step into those shoes.

  • Create an event sheet called variables. Now put all your variables into that sheet.

    Now whenever you want to use a variable in an event sheet. Include the event sheet called global variables.

    Arrays are the best for data, but totally overkill for something as simple as a variable. Dictionary is better suited as it acts like a variable, but again overkill.

    Include your global variable event sheet into your level event sheets.

  • It should run fine

  • Sorry to ask the obvious, do you have a license?

    That'll get the big one out the way.

    Most anti virus programs have a custom firewall type bulit in. you might need to add c2 and port 50000 as an exception.

    Also helps to go into your router an allocate a constant ip for your c2 pc.

    and shooting in the dark, you make any edits to the host file???

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  • Those specs look fine, but what is the graphics card??? <- this is the determining factor

    I have it running on a 7 year old laptop with zero issues.

  • or html, so we can steal your images...

    In all seriousness. The minute you let the world know you have a game and it is of some worth, then the world believes it is entitled to it. The world is full of pr*cks

    Suggest you don't give the source, but rather a taste via html or better yet exe.

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