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  • No, last person to find it was 2 years ago.

  • Thanks DUTOIT , but I have tried going all the way back to 182 and a game file from the same time and the issue persists. I could dirty hack it to work maybe, but seens it was working totally fine before I really don't want to mess with it. The only thing I can see that might be related is on 185: "Multiplayer: caused Javascript error on IE9.". Maybe they changed something on the server for this? Just grabbing at air I think.

    Multiplayer doesn't work with IE - because IE doesn't support Webtrc. IE doesn't support lots of things - they are pretty useless browser.

  • I am sorry for the newb question, but I see in the forums posts that have text active as hyperlinks that look like this. I'm trying to figure out how to do that...?

    I remember that some time ago, when I wanted to insert a hyperlink, the forum popped out a window that had two fields: one for the text that would be displayed on the post and one for the actual www address. I can't find anything like this...

    Thanks for any help on the subject

    [url=www]your link text[/url] [/code:37bij3sv]
    Just go to full editor and push the buttons, they insert relevant code.
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  • Okay, so I found a couple hours and whipped this up Blood Solitaire in support for #30daydev and because I couldn't let have all the fun.

  • I tried 186, and my project doesn't launch in preview in that version for some reason. Just a whole bunch of errors. The last time I tried it and it worked was 184, just a day or so before 185 came out. The only time I have had similar issues was when I had people incorrectly logging into old rooms that were still open, but they were rather different issues and have since been fixed.

    186 is broke.

    185 and latest java seems to be giving some folks issues... I don't know what the connection is.

    185 is working ok for me. I reverted back from 186 (It was broke - lol)

  • +1 same issue with latest beta.

    I see ashley's tweet. Lol.

  • DUTOIT You are totally right - not sure why I suggested every tick! oh well, always learning...

    No worries - We all use every tick especially when trying to show something in forums (It is just easier) like making text show some variable etc.

    Because we use it as demo (I do all the time) I just like to point out that it isn't always necessary. In fact I'm trying to think of something that requires every tick... lol, I can't think of anything.

    The game runs through the eventsheet(s) everytick, so any conditions triggers when they are true based on the conditions criteria.

  • Everything would be much easier if I knew English and would not use a translator, when search and expressing myself correctly.

    Yeah, you can come across really ... lol...

    Trick forsearching forums/tutorials because most of what you want is already here.

    Google: "your search criteria site:scirra.com" so "AI site:scirra.com"

  • You don't need the everytick... the condition will trigger when ball physics is sleeping. Doesn't help to check 60 times a second lol.

    is sleeper then apply impluse etc

    and make y 0.1 stops it from doing that little jump

    and ...

    Very beautiful. Look forward to final product.

  • thank you very much

    I know. Good luck and you are welcome.

    Sidenote: In the closed topic there were more tutorials that were linked too. They are also good.

  • Your screenshot is a bit of a mess.

    What I do is take the game out and make a small demo - get it to work then put that demo into game.

    From what I see, I understand that when level > webstorage you want to set the score... but I find this isn't the best way to do it. It is essentially everytick. Game runs through eventsheet evertick and if Level>webstorage it stores it.

    How do you store score to variable level? I would create a function to save to storage and put that immediately after you update score.

    This does 3 things.

    1) It only updates - writes to webstorage when player score changes(he could be running around for half an hour without picking up a coin - lol), and

    2)removes the every tick check.

    3) and you can feel all fuzzy and warm inside knowing that his score and webstorage are being updated together (which is what level>webstorage is) but this way is better. Nothing worse than a player loosing his latest score - Grrrrrr - lol

  • Kyatric because you closed? will you help me you?

    [quote:rm760gmn]PD: if I want the enemy not fly and go on the ground all the time, jump ... as I do? I'm new to the pathfinding

    This tutorial does just that. It also has great AI built into it. They will jump, and follow you. This is seriously one of the most indepth tutorials on the subject. If this doesn't help you then I don't know what will.

    Here is the tutorial:

    AI Platformer

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