Multiplayer Change

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  • Hey all,

    I had been working on a project for a long time, and it worked fine. But recently (after the 185 update) a whole bunch of glitches appear on the multiplayer aspect. I've tried reverting versions of both C2 and my project to way back, yet the problem still appears. So, I am guessing it has something to do with the multiplayer server itself or the way syncing objects works? I really don't know what to make of it or if I can even fix the issue.

    Here's an image of how it used to look:

    An here's one of it now:

    As you can see in point 1, it duplicates some of the characters. Then in point 2, some of them face the wrong way. There are loads of other little things too, like camera panning always goes to one team's characters now, the extra character images are very oddly aligned to other characters (in stats, abilities, etc.) and so on.

    So if anyone has any ideas of what may have changed or where I could start looking please let me know!

  • I haven't install r186 yet, but there is no MP changes or addition in the log, I don't think it has anything to do with signal server.

  • I tried 186, and my project doesn't launch in preview in that version for some reason. Just a whole bunch of errors. The last time I tried it and it worked was 184, just a day or so before 185 came out. The only time I have had similar issues was when I had people incorrectly logging into old rooms that were still open, but they were rather different issues and have since been fixed.

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  • I tried 186, and my project doesn't launch in preview in that version for some reason. Just a whole bunch of errors. The last time I tried it and it worked was 184, just a day or so before 185 came out. The only time I have had similar issues was when I had people incorrectly logging into old rooms that were still open, but they were rather different issues and have since been fixed.

    186 is broke.

    185 and latest java seems to be giving some folks issues... I don't know what the connection is.

    185 is working ok for me. I reverted back from 186 (It was broke - lol)

  • Thanks DUTOIT , but I have tried going all the way back to 182 and a game file from the same time and the issue persists. I could dirty hack it to work maybe, but seens it was working totally fine before I really don't want to mess with it. The only thing I can see that might be related is on 185: "Multiplayer: caused Javascript error on IE9.". Maybe they changed something on the server for this? Just grabbing at air I think.

  • Thanks DUTOIT , but I have tried going all the way back to 182 and a game file from the same time and the issue persists. I could dirty hack it to work maybe, but seens it was working totally fine before I really don't want to mess with it. The only thing I can see that might be related is on 185: "Multiplayer: caused Javascript error on IE9.". Maybe they changed something on the server for this? Just grabbing at air I think.

    Multiplayer doesn't work with IE - because IE doesn't support Webtrc. IE doesn't support lots of things - they are pretty useless browser.

  • We haven't made any functional changes to the multiplayer plugin - or the server - for ages. Perhaps you accidentally made some change to your project and mistakenly attributed that to a C2 update.

  • Okay I finally figured it out, it was just a very specific character selection order that makes it all occur for some reason. It's the same on all versions. Pretty weird, but a problem I can fix!

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