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  • And what browser?

    I often got that chrome couldn't connect to chrome and Firefox couldn't connect to Firefox. But Firefox could connect to chrome and vice versa. This has been fixed, then broken a number of times since last year sometime.

    This is why webtrc is still considered beta - lol, and the "timeout" for lack of better word especially on mobile/tablet devices is a known issue.

    Does a refresh connect peer-host?

    It should connect at least 3 out of 5 attempts else the issue is something else.

    Something else: signalling server, browser cache, an event in your project, your server where game is hosted, etc etc

  • what browser you using on tablet?

    Are you using construct preview or do you have multiplayer game hosted externally?

    And if using preview...

    do you have license?

    As preview over lan is disabled in free version.

    you have a license

    check your firewall.

    My best guess, is you using the free version and trying to preview over same connection which is disabled.


    You have licensed version, and you didn't configure your firewall.

    And you can't connect usin localhost, needs to be ip range:50000


    and what is your pc ip e.g that is what you connect to as your tablet will have different ip assigned.

  • Did you win?

    They can buy it at a shop that deals with usa, up to value they stimulated.

    Getting prize to you isn't hard. Winning on the other hand, that is the issue.

  • ximo, no you need a signalling server to connect the players, once connection is made you no longer need signalling server. The signalling server is just to make the connection.

  • I did something similiar using the multiplayer plugin. It actually worked pretty well.

    For example: Tablet put onto table holds the texas hold em cards. and each player connects via their phone as peers.

    The only hickup was you hand to have your game screen device connect first to create a room and password and become the host. Then the peers could connect knowing the private room name and password.

    Worked pretty well when webtrc was working and the signalling server was playing nice - lol

  • My 2015 Scirra GameJam Entry for Newgrounds|Scirra "Deception"


    The world is overpopulated and a great culling is upon us.

    The world is about to be culled to 2 million. If you were lucky to have you name appear on the lottery list, then you will be among a guaranteed 1 million to be a part of the new world.

    Unfortunately, billions were not on that list.

    Push the button - it is simple, the last living million still pushing the button will join the lottery list and live

    Push The Button

    Damn, I wanted to do so much, unfortunately I ran out of time for this game jam.

    I wanted to create a situation where you feel guilty by the choices you make in trying to ensure your families survival.

    I only managed to finish 1 puzzle, but in actuallity it is a process of 10 plus puzzles, all with one goal: Hacking the system.

    I wanted to create a smartphone feeling to enable touch control, so obviously this was designed to be accessed via smartphone.

    Please allow fullscreen to get the max experience.

    I Appologize I ran out of time... I hate submitting incomplete work, but I submitted in hope you see what I was trying to achieve and enjoy the experience of it.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Add event. click on your bubble1. Scroll down to collisions. On collision with another object.

    Touch is for touch control think pc mouse but for moble phones, but it it can be used by pc mouse too

  • It makes perfect sense to me. If you using animation, then you want it to run it's course. So repeat it once is best option.

    You are using it in a none animation way, which is why you find it frustrating. (I use it this way to)

    You don't want to change the default 1. What would be nice is to set the speed to 0 as default, that way it won't cycle till you set the speed at say "5"

  • Purchasing as a business and I want to learn how to do accounting becuase I was very good in school but we didn't have taxation courses, so I'm learning but I can't understand something with no answers

    I just wish if you boguht the business license you would have phone support

    Lol, don't think scirra is an accounting firm well last time I checked.

    and the cost of the business license doesn't come close to adding phone support, it is not viable.

    Good phone support should cost you 500 plus for support and that is around 5 hours.

    Yes, you can get cheap phone support - lol, but if you want credible, authoritative support, then you pay a premium.

    I just paid around $400 for 45min with a lawyer (over email)... to give you an indication. (worth every cent)

    If you keen to learn, go over to your local tax collection agency... trust me, they are more than willing to give you documentation, and many offer free courses.

    Also tons on youtube on accountancy, but not country specific most times. Best bet is to go talk to your taxman.

    Or pay a bit and do CIMA.

  • Do you have a business? Are you purchasing via a business other than sole proprietor?

    If you do, then your accountant will sort it out, but it sounds like you purchasing in your own personal capacity(sole proprietor). So you have no way of getting vat, or taxes back unless you are a vat vendor (each country is different), but I doubt it.

    Add the total costs to your business expenses - [that is what you paid]

  • photon breaks Latest beta r208, throws an error screen an launching construct2

    Scirra have in place certain things that they will not disclose for obvious reasons. But lets just say, they have ways... so they

    will look for you, They will find you, and they will kill Fine you.

    Honestly, the game industry isn't as big as we might think, and even if it wasn't for scirra methods of finding those who have earned more than $5000, there is an honor system, and if that doesn't appeal those wanting to dodge the system, then those games/people that generate money over $5000 get noticed pretty quick. You got nowhere to hide man

    Bottom line. You don't want to get caught. Do the right thing.

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