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  • Unfortunately you need cashflow to build/sustain/expand anything.

    Donationware can never, ever compete. It usually fades away when life events come knocking.

    What works best is pay a minimal amount over many, many months. A subscription model. You just have to look how all top companies are incorporating this - it works.

    The downside, and this is why Construct 2 is a pay it all up front model is that their user base are mostly hobbyists, who treat this as a hobby (wanting to go pro) but as all hobby's they are just that, and take a backseat the moment some crisis comes up (which happens often). Average user I would guess is a couple months. I said average for you veterans :)

    Edit: What I am getting at is when you invest in a tool set, it is nice to have some guarantee that it will be around for awhile, and if you do change, it is because you choose to, and not because you are forced too.

    Profitable businesses, tend to stick around. Cashflow is king, that is business 101.

  • Videos won't tell you much. That is why I said have to get working copy before my own apprehensions are dissolved (And I have a number) but it looks promising.

    It will have to be a completely code free, drag and drop editor like construct 2 or else Unity will always be the goto software.

    Unity is already the goto for 3d and eventually 2d, but it is nice to not have to code sometimes - lol.

  • Wow, very cool. I'm on the waiting list.

    Watched the demo videos. Very nice for beta, but have a few apprehensions that will be dissolved only once i get to play around with it. But looks promising for new project.

  • , this is about making something I would use and not skimping on what I want. I know that sounds selfish but this project is for me ;)

    That always makes the best games <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    We are after all the first user, and we have to spend hours upon hours with project. If it isn't something I want to play and ultimately build - I ain't touching it - period.

    Sidenote: Splash/loading screens are easy enough to do, and agree last thing to build unless you got a company with generic loading screen. Which you would just add already build.

    Oh, looking good. Nice server space you got there <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Export Project > Node Webkit

    You will find a folder with subfolders of for each operating system.

  • ok... it happened again and again... do you have any idea of how to get it to work?

    You still missing files. Perhaps trying uploading html5 game to server and try it there.

    Here is a Free Server


    Black ops 2 (really sick of it lol)

    Farcry 3 (getting board of it - very slow with all the running/driving/sneaking)

    pre-ordered CoD:Ghost (get it on 6th november) Probably going to play it all december and next year :)

    Oh, was playing flashback (original) here link for the older folks (all the old games online :)

    Classic Ms Dos Games online

  • You can store references to objects by storing a UID in a number variable.

    Put a data storage object like Array or Dictionary in a container with another object, and you also get a separate storage for each individual object. So you can get per-object multi-dimensional arrays this way.

    Wow, going to try that now :)

  • I don't mind, a bad tutorial is better than no tutorial, if it isn't good no one is forcing a gun to my head to do what it says. Besides, even in some of the bad tutorials you can find/learn something (from a beginner point of view) and make it better, simpler.

    What we need is the ability to post tutorial and link it to forum post for comments that way we can contribute as a community and add solutions/simpler variations/ etc etc

  • Sorry don't know about joystick. I am designing with air mouse with smart tv's and multiple players/multiple households.

  • Unfortunately there is no simple solution to what you want.

    You will have to create the back end stuff. (not going to lie to you, this is a lot of work) I don't think C2 could even do something like that by itself.You are going to have to code the whole games room system and plug your game into it.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • There are various ways to use multi player functionality in Construct 2. They work pretty well for the most part, Socket.I.O and Ajax,

    pretty much this section but they aren't perfect solutions for real-time

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