I've got my main code working and now I want to work on some end-game scoring functions, so needless to say I don't want to have to "play" the game each time I want to test/tweak something. So I added a button to the layout for debugging purposes that basically "solves" the whole game for me (placing eggs in their respective baskets) so I can get right to scoring animations, etc...
The button is called "FIllCorrect" and I have the following code:
FillCorrect - On Clicked
System - Pick All Eggs
System - For Each Egg
GameFunctions - Call "DEBUG_PlaceEggInBasket (Egg.UID)"
which calls...
GameFunctions - On "DEBUG_PlaceEggInBasket"
System - Pick Eggs by evaluating Eggs.UID = GameFunctions.Param(0)
System - Pick Basket by evaluating Basket.UID = Eggs.BasketUID
GameFunctions - Call "Egg_SelectEgg" (Eggs.UID)
GameFunctions - Call "Egg_PlaceInBasket" (Eggs.UID, Basket.UID)
GameFunctions - Call "Egg_DeselectCurrentEgg"(Eggs.UID)
(these three functions are working, they are functions called when the user actually manually places the eggs, etc..., I'm just calling them (or trying to) automatically)
The problem is I'm getting this message:
"[Construct 2] Function object: called function 'DEBUG_PlaceEggInBasket', but no event was triggered. Is the function call spelt incorrectly or no longer used?"