0 - add CocoonJS in Construct 2, put "show banner ad" on i.e. menu eventsheet, level eventsheets etc.
for example: on layout start show banner on bottom center; on layout end hide banner
1st Create account on AdMob + add app info + get AdMob banner ID
2nd Create account on MoPub + add app info + get MoPub ID + put AdMob banner ID in network settings
3rd Create account on CocoonJS and mail them for MoPub ads support; when ads supportet - then add app info and put MoPub ID for this project
compile CocoonJS
and check if everything works on debug-signed APK
points 1-3 may look complicated, but it is 5 minutes of copy/paste
(i.e. copy AdMob banner ID to MoPub dashboard; copy MoPub ID to CocoonJS dashboard)
szymek Really usefull information. Thank you very much