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  • Folks, thanks in advance for any contribution to this topic!

    We were trying to develop a plugin to take screenshot sequences and add effects ... so first, we started experimenting in console to see if that is possible ...

    getting the canvas seems ok, there is only one there ... trying to access 2d context and print an image in javascript, outputs an empty one, apparently it is empty although there are things on the layout ... trying to access the webgl context, says there is none, so now I am very confused, how does it draw things?

    I know there is the take screenshot action, but then it would not be a plugin, and now even if it is not possible to directly access the canvas context, I am just very curious to understand how it does things.

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  • Why does this happen?

    On this setup:

    I expected that this would happen

    Is that right? I mean, it seems the physics in it stops after a while that they hit each other and the gravity seems to stop affecting them.

    I did that in c3 as a simple random test, but got really curious about it

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Member since 16 Aug, 2018

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