nar's Recent Forum Activity

  • hi, can any one tell me how to play multiple sounds in andriod mobiles.i was getting one music itself even though i'm having couple of songs .please help me

  • hi friends ,

       i have some problem, i have a one bomb object by clicking that object, one new bomb object is spawning and it's dropping on the iron stand, and my problem is when bomb is dropping one fire object will appear, for that dropping bomb this fire object has to be joint and fall on the rod ,i have tried with pin behaviour but this is not working.And later joint to physics and i gave , on start of layout bomb and fire has to be joint.can any one help me please.


  • hi friends,

       i have a one bomb object by clicking that object, one new bomb object is spawning and it's dropping on the iron stand, and my problem is when bomb is dropping one fire object will appear, for that dropping bomb this fire object has to be joint and fall on the rod ,i have tried with pin behaviour but this is not working.And later joint to physics and i gave , on start of layout bomb and fire has to be joint.can any one help me please.


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  • hi,

    i have a small problem , i have developed a game, i gave music format m4a and ogg format, the game is running fine in pc it the music is coming and the mobiles like andriod,windows,tablets the muic is not coming, do i want to take seperate music format to play music in mobiles and tablets.

    can any one help me please

  • hi guys,

          ihave one small doubt.i have created one game , it's file size is 50 mb.and i uploaded in server ,in systems it's working fine in mobile it's damn slow man, and some text not visible, is there any way to get game running fastly and text visible.

  • thanks blackhornet

  • hi guys, i have a some problem,i have took one object for that i gave rotate and tried to rotate that object in couter-clock wise direction, bus it's not working here.can any one help me please.

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Member since 10 Jul, 2013

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