nar's Forum Posts

  • hi,

    i have a problem i'm developing the game , in my game i have on wanted total and total is displaying the score in the right side .and when starts to count the total by clicking the sprite image ,it's validating fine, but my problem is after total is equal to that wanted total, the selected sprites have been destroying , after destroying the images , the top images has to move down, but for me the entire row is coming down can any help please.

  • thanks Got it, working fine


    can any one help me please

  • hi vladoss

    i have tried like as you, i have add another image of yours, but for me it's coming like you. if any where i did mistake just help to find out that issue please

  • hi ,

    i need some suggesstions. actually i have one health-bar , for that health bar i'm having 3 colors for that health bar .when i'm trying to health bar ,it is compressing but it is not decreasing image wise . can any one explain me please

  • hi guys,

       i have an doubt on zoom in and zoom out, actually i'm having one object by clicking taht object the object has to zoom in and zoom out continously .

    please share your thoughts.

  • Thank you ver much LittleStain

  • no Xionor ,

        while i'm exporting my game i have seen many options. ex:export to cocoon js , like that i'm asking whethier is their any tool kie cocoon to html5

  • hi,

    is it possible to open "cocoon js file into construct2". if their is a way please share your ideas please

  • hi friends ,

        i have a small problem, i have one car and i gave tooggle click for that car ,when clicking the angular velocity for that car is 680 and i gave 40 force at angle for that car, in destop it's working fine in mobiles it's working very slow , can any one of you please respond my question. please.

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  • hi ,

       i have a problem , i have developed a game and i try to keep the sounds and i have added the music files in sounds desktop it's working fine while coming to mobiles in andriod version the sounds are not working , only one sounds is working , even that sounds also will for slow .but i need every sound in andriod version what i'm getting in desktop.

    can any one help me please.

  • hi, can any one tell me how to play multiple sounds in andriod mobiles.i was getting one music itself even though i'm having couple of songs .please help me

  • hi friends ,

       i have some problem, i have a one bomb object by clicking that object, one new bomb object is spawning and it's dropping on the iron stand, and my problem is when bomb is dropping one fire object will appear, for that dropping bomb this fire object has to be joint and fall on the rod ,i have tried with pin behaviour but this is not working.And later joint to physics and i gave , on start of layout bomb and fire has to be joint.can any one help me please.


  • hi friends,

       i have a one bomb object by clicking that object, one new bomb object is spawning and it's dropping on the iron stand, and my problem is when bomb is dropping one fire object will appear, for that dropping bomb this fire object has to be joint and fall on the rod ,i have tried with pin behaviour but this is not working.And later joint to physics and i gave , on start of layout bomb and fire has to be joint.can any one help me please.
