wankipas's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello..

    is there a way i can take a screenshot, and post it on facebook with one click?

  • Hello everyone,

    I'm using the C3 Mobile IAP plugin.

    IAP won't trigger the purchase action.

    it runs just fine before with the previous version of my apps.

    But a few days ago, when i uploading an update of my apps on google playstore,

    i notice when I click the buy button, it is not trigger purchase action

    it runs just fine before with the previous version of my apps.

    i tried so many adjustment to make it works, but nothing seams to work. if this is a bug from the construct, i hope your team will fix this ASAP.

    Because i got a lot of comment about this on Google Play Review,

    and my apps rating is going down..

    BTW, This Bug issues already posted on the GitHub.

  • Hello everyone,

    I know a construct game run slow on the android, and It looks like the game skip few frames

    and The gameplay is just not smooth. My question is..

    what is the best ways to export to mobile, get the best performance and run on android smoothly?

    i hope some of the successful construct mobile developers can help me.. thank you.

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  • Yes i did, i post a report yesterday..

    u can check it here..


    The bug report is closed because they tested it, and it works fine with their device.

    So i decided just to go with it, launch my apps to Google Store, and see how it go.

    Yes the banner ads shows up, the interstitial ads works too.

    However if i export it to Debug.Apk, test it on my phone/android

    The test banner ads still not showing, and the test interstitial ads still not running in a full screen.

  • im not sure if i have the same prob as you. but i cant use C3 yet..

    Some of my event suddenly not working and coz the game to freeze.

    I change back to C2, and everything works fine again..

  • so im not the only one facing this prob,

    hmm.. i guess we have to wait for the fix..

    cant launch my apps yet till this prob is solved.

  • Hello everyone.. just need to ask,

    Is the Mobile Advert plugin really working now?

    Because when i export it to Debug.Apk, and test it on my android.

    The banner ads is not showing.

    The Interstitial ads is not running in full screen.

    It works fine before.. just wondering,

    did anyone else facing this kind of bugs?


    when running the Project Preview on browser.

    I must accidentally pressed the [Ctrl]+[-] button on my keyboard.

    So the browser is shrinking the 'game interact area size'(I dont know what is this called)

    but the display is not changing size.

    Thats why i cant click those blue boxes at the right side and the bottom of the screen.

    By pressing the [Ctrl]+[+] button, and adjust the display to 100%, now i can click on all the boxes.

    Thank you for helping me do the test..

  • Here is the link project, download it from the google drive.

    i create a very simple one just to test it.


    and here is my video link with the problems..


    as you can see, i cant click on those blue boxes at the right and the bottom of the game.

  • i used mouse to test it in the layout/project preview.

    im not sure.. it working just fine a few days ago.

    However, when i export it to the Debug.Apk, it working just fine on the phone..

    all the boxes can be touch and destroy.

    This problem only happen in the layout/project preview.

    If your browser is working just fine.

    Then it must be something wrong with my browser..

  • Hello everyone.. im having problem with the Layout/Project Preview

    when i run the Layout/Project preview, It looks like some part of the layout is not touchable/clicked.

    So i made a new simple project just to show you guys what really happened. see the screenshots below..

    When the blue box is touched, the blue box will be destroy.

    But some of the blue box at the right and the bottom of the screen cannot be touched/clicked. and it cant be destroyed.

    It looks like the Area in the red color i marked is NOT touchable/clicked.

    Does anyone have a same problem? or its just me..

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Member since 7 Jul, 2018

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