I don't have a ton done as of yet, but I figured I'd show a couple of screenshots of a game I've been working on titled "Project Pixlar". The goal is to create a puzzle platformer with colored "pixels" which can be used individually to produce different effects (eg. grey summons blocks, red aims fire, etc) or mixed to produce combinations (eg. red + grey = a missile). You'll also be able to switch from pixellated to non-pixellated levels on the fly, allowing me to create various gimmicks based around this. Here are two screenshots: one of the map, and one in-game:
<img src="http://snn.caffie.net/pp1.png" border="0" />
You move around the yellow square and select a level (red square). None are revealed on this map, but four are currently made. I'm also looking to draw a unique, fitting font at some point, so that's a placeholder for now.
<img src="http://snn.caffie.net/pp2.png" border="0" />
This is the player pushing a placed grey pixel onto a switch. The smoke clouds are simply the platforms appearing as a result.
I've also been composing music for many years, and as such I'm doing my own soundtrack. Here are two of my recent pieces for the game: