Problem Description
When export with Android,
If plugin's edittime.js cordova-plugins option is org.apache.cordova.statusbarkbp@0.1.6 like following,
"cordova-plugins": "org.apache.cordova.statusbar@0.1.6",
exported html's intelxdk.config.additions.xml file must be like this:
<intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="org.apache.cordova.statusbar@0.1.6" intelxdk:value="org.apache.cordova.statusbar@0.1.6" />
but c2 R187 generate the following (omit — <== please include this version lock):
<intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="org.apache.cordova.statusbar" intelxdk:value="org.apache.cordova.statusbar" />
Attach a Capx
____ Upload a Capx to this post ____
Description of Capx
____ Concise description of what this CapX does ____
Steps to Reproduce Bug
- Step 1
- Step 2
- Step 3 etc.
Observed Result
<intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="org.apache.cordova.statusbar" intelxdk:value="org.apache.cordova.statusbar" />
Expected Result
<intelxdk:plugin intelxdk:name="org.apache.cordova.statusbar@0.1.6" intelxdk:value="org.apache.cordova.statusbar@0.1.6" />
Affected Browsers
- Chrome: (YES/NO)
- FireFox: (YES/NO)
- Internet Explorer: (YES/NO)
Operating System and Service Pack
____ Your operating system and service pack ____
Construct 2 Version ID