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  • No messages from my browser. I had never seen any warnings about browser saves. I think several months of saves are gone. Nothing has changed with my chrome browser. Very disappointing.

  • Yes. It's all I've been using is r120. edit: Also when I try to see my list of saves on my browser saves it says it failed to load also so I have lost access to saves for approximately 10 games I've been working on over the last few months.

  • I keep running into this problem as construct 3 is updated and I lose my tab to construct 3. My most recent save to the browser won't load. Just says "failed to load". Usually it loads from the project load menu but this time that doesn't work. I'm sure I was last using 120 stable (never used newer less stable versions). How do I reload a saved project from the browser?

  • ok thanks. I didn't see the car behavior installed. Must be blind. hehe.

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  • I use the examples to learn so when I find a template with only one line used on the event sheet and no behaviors used on the cars I wonder how the template works. How does this template work with only 1 event?

  • In this case I figured out I was doing something wrong. Instead of just creating one sprite to be pinned to another as it revolved I was creating a new sprite as long as I was holding the right mouse button down so it was overwhelming my on board gpu. (so you were right). Thanks for the help.

  • It could be the gpu although there is only a couple things moving on the screen as most of the layout is static. I have seen people posting things but I haven't learned yet how to do it. Thanks for the response.

  • Three times now I've run into a sprite that doesn't update correctly and instead of moving it paints itself (and leaves a permanent copy of itself) and happened towards what I could fit in using the free version. I've considered buying the program so before I spend money I need to know the limits of the program and if I can use it well enough. And a few times now the sprites start acting crazy ie copying themselves all over the layout, painting their shape permanently wherever they move ect. Is this a bug or a result of using the free version?

  • Thanks, I found them right after I posted the question (of course) hehe.

  • I just wondered if there are example games to learn from (not the short tutorial examples).

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Member since 23 Jun, 2018

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