Good afternoon fellow creators.
Here is my issue, explained to the best of my ability.
My classmates and I are making a Gauntlet Arcade style game, blast all the bad guys spawning across the map, blast the boss and win, simple concept.
We are using a Diablo style health bubble with the mana ring around it. We have animated the health bubble using entirely too many events in my opinion. The health bubble reduces according to the total amount of HP on the PC.
The Mana bar I was trying a different event layout, I can get the bar to fill up when the game starts, but it will not set it's current frame to the global value it is assigned too.
This is the first time any of us have touched the program, so the answer is probably just out of our reach.
Thank you for any help!
Mana Animations
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Health Animations
<img src="" border="0" />
Health Events & Mana Attempt
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