Jayed2018's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    Are you still need help ?

    Can you give me your email ?

    I will contact with you :)

    Thank you.

    Yes, I need help. Here's my e-mail : hasan.jayed21xsm@gmail.com

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I do not have any experience with Construct2, but that should not be much hard to grasp.

    I also have 3 years experience as hobbyist game developer in JavaScript, Phaser.js, MonoGame(XNA, C#), and can learn game engines in a reasonable time.

    I will work for experience and may work for next to no payment.

    Are you still available? I have something urgent to be done

  • Budget changed to $50. Anybody here to help?

  • Hi

    How can I make rope swing like 2D spiderman?

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to make a swing rope style game like 2D spiderman swinging. But can't make the rope style realistic. I tried revolute joint and distance joint but didn't work. Anybody worked on the similar thing before?

  • Hi,

    I need to make a rope style swinging game. I just need the basic rope physics and swinging to be done. Very quick job if you know what you need to do. Budget is $50 fixed. Shouldn't take more than an hour I believe. Here's a sample game : youtube.com/watch

  • Hi,

    I bought Construct 2 and haven't upgraded to construct 3. Does anybody know if there's a third party plugin for facebook instant games for C2? Note that I was playing some instant games and saw at least 3 games which had C2 logo in loading screen. Thanks for your help.

  • Just what I was looking for. It would be great if you published one demo instant game which had most of the major features. And also if I buy it tomorrow I'm gonna be early adaptor. Right? Hopefully you'll continue to upgrade this awesome stuff.

Jayed2018's avatar


Member since 6 Apr, 2018

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