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  • I used cocoon ads and cordova admob free on cli, I think both are latest version. I just want to know why is the app works when compiled by my friend while I got the error. It confused me.

  • Hello, I got an error while trying to run my app after build using cordova. So when I start the app it's only showing black screen. It's happened after I added the plugin "cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" into the project, then I tried to remove the plugin and build it again, so the app works fine now but with no ads. I've asking my friend try to build my app on his computer by using the same way and it's works perfectly fine (not giving black screen and it's also showing the ad). I think there's something wrong with CLI on my pc, anyone know what happened? I also tried to build my app with and it works, but the problem is the apk size is too big.

    (I used cordova 8.1.2)

  • Hello, I got an error while trying to run my app after build using cordova, so when I start the app it's only showing black screen. It's happened after I added some admob plugins alternately into the project, but when I tried to remove the plugin and build it again the app works fine (but with no ads). I've asking my friend try to build it on his computer by using the same way and he got the app works (not showing black screen + showing ads). I think there's something wrong with CLI that I used, anyone know what happened?

    (I used "cocoon-plugin-ads-android-admob" & "cordova-plugin-admob-free" on the cli and both result the same errors by showing only black screen)

  • Hello, I have convert my construct 2 project into an apk files by using Cordova CLI and Cocoon but, the result is not as I expected; the game that I've compiled by using Cordova is extremely lag; on the other hand the game I've compiled by using Cocoon work fine but it's kept showing cocoon splash screen on start.

    Does anyone know the best way to compile my project for free and also can run without any problems?

  • Here is a very short and easy to follow tutorial with voice:

    Just change "health" with "progress".. otherwise all is the same as I described above. The principles are the same as what you are trying to do.

    The only other things you will need are the system event that every 1 second minuses 1 from progress variable and the event in your pick ups that adds width to it.

    Ok, thank you very much for your reply

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  • Make a sprite that is x in width and whatever height you want. You will need a variable for convenience that is set to whatever "full" width is if picking up an item makes it full or for other times you want to easily set it full (sprite-set width-variable). If picking up an item gives a certain amount (or random) then you can handle that in the pickup event easily without a variable. Now decide how much of your X width looks right when reduced each second.. 1 pixel, 2, 3 etc. and make a system event for Every X seconds and set it to 1. In the actions use subtract the value you deemed looked right from width. Now all you need is the pickup events that will simply add multiples of this amount to whatever level you wanted. I would also have a safety event for if width < 0 width = 0 (of course your fail event will cover this too) and if Width is greater than your predecided width then set width to your predecided width... (sprite width > 100 - set sprite width 100).

    I still confused,

    can you give an example of the command in a picture?

  • Hey, how do I make a reversed progress bar that will decreased every 1 second, and increased again when an item is collected?

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