I'm sound designer and music composer who want to work on game projects. Till now I designed sound and music for one game. Demo reel: centrala.pro/...dzwiek-do-gry-
I also worked on several video projects where you can hear my skills: vimeo.com/38841249%C2%A0%C2%A0%C2%A0http://vimeo.com/6356352
I composed music for travel agency's website where each track was recreating mood of one continent: centrala.pro/...la-Logos-Tour-
I'm a leader of electro-acoustic band kIRk who released two longplay: soundcloud.com/kirkkirk
Actually I'm looking for new challenge at the field of game industry. At the beginning I could work just for credits - of course if the project has value.
If you're interested in my service just give me a shout: eteryhz@centrala.pro