Joshua Crisp's Recent Forum Activity

  • Ashley By using A-Frame. Construct would be great for Web-based VR, because you already have javascript and HTML based interaction design, which is what A-Frame is. I would highly suggest you consider figuring out how to make that work, even if it is only a cheat that provides a 2D representation of what the 3D environment would be. Just the ability to to use your Construct environment to build interactions without having to manually create the A-Frame components would be worth the price of admission.

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  • This sounds like an amazing plug-in.

    I am using the multiplayer plug in to make a series of educational games. I want to be able to separate the educational content from the games themselves by having the game load the educational content from external CSV files. For the time being, I can assume that the files will be on the host's computer, and I can know where they are located. However, I need to be able to add to this list without requiring the user to redownload the whole game, so the CSV tiles cannot be in the compile.

    Can I do that with this plug-in? If so, and if anyone can post an example that shows me how to accomplish this, I promise to do the same for others after I have learned more of the program.

  • I have a game that uses line art kittens, which means that their interiors have no fill. I am making a whack-a-mole type game where you whack the kittens as they pop up. Te game is designed to be played within an iframe with transparency, so that it looks like line art on the parent page on which it is loaded. Because I have no fill, I am running into two problems:

    1. I can see the cats that pop up behind other cats.

    2. I can whack the cats in the back(lower layer order) from inside the cats in the front(higher layer order.)

    I know that I could fix this by simply adding a fill, but I want the final game to look like hand drawn art on the page. Is there a way to give each cat a mask that hides whatever is behind it (or is lower in the layers panel)?

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Joshua Crisp

Member since 15 May, 2013

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