BigKabeza, I know there are other ways to sign your apk's. Thanks for letting me know though. I really just want this to work, so I don't have to use another method. Also, there may be other people with this problem, in witch case, I need to find out if I should file a bug report. The problem here is that no one seems to be able to replicate it but me. I can't create working keystores on any device. I used to be able to. So, perhaps a recent update or my recent renewal of my subscription is to blame. I don't know.
I have tried two different computers, one phone, three browsers, and multiple different settings and projects. I can't create working keystores. I am NOT entering the passwords wrong. My above documentation proves that. The error I get seems to depend on the type of export (app bundle or signed apk) and the browser.
Today I tried to sign a blank construct 3 project using a keystore I made a long time ago for a different game, And it worked perfectly. I can use keystores I made months ago just fine. But any keystore I make right now will not work. depending on the browser, It may not even give me a keystore. With edge, I get an error when I try to build a keystore.
I started this thread thinking that I had done something stupid and that was why I could not make any keystores. But I can't see anything I could be doing wrong. If any of the scirra peeps take a look at this, leave a reply. I am super curious as to what you think is going on.