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  • Think you may be having the same issue as me....

    Think this is an issue with the latest version of the node webkit.

    I uninstalled the .29 version (via add remove programs) and got the .28 version from here: https://www.scirra.com/nwjs and the exports seems to work MUCH better. Web GL seems to be working too.

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  • A HAH.... perhaps this is an issue with the latest version of the node webkit.

    I uninstalled the .29 version and got the .28 version from here: scirra.com/nwjs and the exports seems to work MUCH better. Web GL seems to be working too.

  • Hello all, bought Construct 2 back in 2012.... tried using it got frustrated with performance issues even in the simplest of games on desktop so I left. Decided to give it another shot now that it's been 6 years I figure all those issues should be solved by NOW right? Well apparently not. Running into the following issue right out of the box 5 minutes into trying the program after 6 years:

    1. I do a fresh install of Construct 2 on Windows 10 64-bit.

    2. I open up the Ghost Shooter demo and do a preview in Construct - it opens the game in Firefox and it runs smooth as butter at a solid 60 FPS. Looks good.

    3. I export the game as it is with no changes of any kind to an HTML5 website. I try opening the exported game in Firefox and Chrome - again, smooth as butter 60 FPS. Great!

    4. I try exporting via the NW.js module. Run into the errors requiring the extra NWJS addon and JAVA to be installed. No big deal, I manage to install both and finally get the game to export properly.

    5. I run both the 64 and 32 bit version that exported I can barely even get 20 FPS in the game whether full screen or windowed. And to top it off I see an error along the top of the game saying "WebGL not available". An error that is not present when I run the game in Chrome or Firefox.

    Spent 15 minutes trying to find a solution on the forum, google..etc. and came up with nothing...

    Exporting for desktop is a requirement for any game developer. It's extremely frustrating to have run into such a crippling issue 2 minutes after installing the program. I'm reminded exactly why I gave up on this program years ago.

    Does anyone have a simple solution to this that I'm missing? Or is this still the big issue with Construct that everyone likes to pretend doesn't exist still?


  • I would also like to know this.....

    This new tilemap feature is interesting for sure - pretty much scraps a ton of work I put in making my own solution thus far but if it's going to be a supported feature it might make sense to swap out and use it.

    But I really want to know if I should waste my time setting things up to use 2 tilemaps (solid vs unsolid) or if we'll be able to set a per item collision

  • Still no answer to this eh?

    I'm having the same problem - game works perfectly when previewing but after export I'm losing 15 fps plus the alignment of all my sprites is off......

    Quite frustrating

  • Just figured this out for myself. You need to use the create folder action for the node-webkit first before writing the file. You can't create a folder on the fly when trying to write the file.



    Keyboard On S pressed


    1. Node-webkit Create folder NodeWebkit.UserFolder & "gamesubfolder"

    2. Node-webkit Write "test" to file NodeWebkit.UserFolder & "gamesubfolder\myfile.txt"

    The above will create a subfolder in the userfolder called "gamesubfolder" and will write the file "myfile.txt" in it with the content "test".

  • space Ape

    Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! I didn't realize that I could use the Node-Webkit as a action to write files locally! With all the searching I did on the forums the node-webkit option was never mentioned.

    I'm so glad that I don't have to scrap the project <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I'm feeling pretty depressed at this moment... After lots of hard work and research I'm starting to wondering if the project I want to make is even possible with C2... My own fault though I suppose as I didn't do enough research before buying.

    If anyone could be so kind as to confirm or correct my findings it would be appreciated.

    Essentially, I'm looking to create a fairly large offline game for windows which requires the ability to save game states and to save levels created with an in-game level editor.

    From what I have found though it seems this is ONLY possible by:

    1) Using Web Storage - This has several problems such as a) Actual save file location is unknown. b) Very easy for user to accidentally delete all save data by running something like CCleaner. c) Very limited space available for saving data. d) Very easy for data to be erased if there are multiple players on the same computer.

    2) Export data from arrays to JSON files - The biggest problem with this being that it requires a file save dialog box to open and the user to specify a save location which just seems very unprofessional and clunky when trying to create a commercial title. It wouldn't be so bad if there was a way to customize the dialog box to match the design of my game and customize things like default save location...etc. Does anyone know of a way around this dialog box problem?

    3) Use the new HTML5 filesystem API - This is only supported by chrome currently (from what I read) and requires a bunch of permissions to be granted and I'm note even sure if this works with the web-node kit export option.

    Am I missing something that would allow me to be able to save files locally in the install folder of my game? Is it at all even possible for an offline game (can't rely on PHP to help here as most people don't have WAMP installed and running on their computers).

    ...Or have I just exposed the BIGGEST flaw with the idea of Construct using ONLY an HTML5 engine that will probably prevent any major titles ever being released on it's platform?

    Looking forward to any insight people can offer.


  • Is there any way i can load JSON files and then inserting them into an array? I have already fixed the code so i can read a JSON file but the array won't load it beacuse it's a .txt file. Is there any solution?

    DrGurka I'd like to know the same thing please let me know if you find a solution

  • I'd be interesting in hearing WHY people specifically prefer C2 over GMS. Is it just because C2 is "easier"?

    Have there been limitations people have run into with GMS that they haven't had with C2? What are they?

    How does performance stack up between C2 and GMS? Specifically with large quantity sprite rendering.

    C2 is based on HTML5 (which has some obvious limitations)... Does anyone know what GMS is based on?

  • Oh thank you sweet merciful god!

    I've been killing myself trying to figure this issue out for days. Finally found that the issue was caused by the mouse position discrepancy during scale/zoom. I was trying to find a work around and finally found this thread which has completely solved the problem!


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Member since 13 May, 2013

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