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  • Hello! Thanks for your comment.

    With this one I'm not aiming for appstore or steam. I'll try to find an html5 portal as publisher, once I'm finished with it.

    If it works out well I'm thinking about improving this one and making it for steam.

  • Thanks plinkie!

    Well I wish I had time and patience to make this game a mission based game with multiple levels. But I will try to keep the scope as small as possible. I just want it to be a decent game that people could play on arcade sites for high-score and achievements. If I can publish this that might motivate me to try and make a bigger game.

    And thanks for fps info it's very helpful.

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  • Last year I discovered Construct 2 and I thought I could revisit my top-down-zombie-shooter-obsession with it. So I started working on this game.

    It's been a year now and the time I spend working on this game is getting shorter by each week. I really want to finish this game and somehow publish it somewhere. I think having some feedback would make this process easier and result in a better game. So far I'm the only one played and tested it. So I really need your opinions!

    Here is the link to Game:

    About the game:

    It is a top down shooter. Player is limited to a small area and has to kill zombies until he/she is dead. The game-play is pretty much inspired by Crimsonland.

    I tried to keep the game as generic as possible. With a generic name and mostly generic guns and game-play. Although I tried my best to polish the graphics, sound (still working on most of them) and game play.

    You can access Dev Menu by clicking Show Dev Menu button on top right of the game screen. There are several buttons that will allow you to spawn weapons and bonuses. Also on the left side of screen, you will see some shortcut keys to spawn zombies, NPCs and other bonuses.

    You can press ESC to go back to main menu and start a new game. Also you can use Mouse Wheel to Zoom In and Out.

    Use WASD to move player and mouse to aim and shoot. Q and E to cycle weapons.

    You can access the upgrade menu by pressing SHIFT

    For anyone interested in more:

    I wanted a dark and creepy atmosphere with lots of zombies to shoot. So the darkness is part of the game. There are bonuses and upgrades that will help player see better in dark.

    Please tell me if it is too dark for you to enjoy the game play.

    Player just runs around game area and zombies spawn, getting tougher and faster. I am still working on spawn algorithm but I think it works fine for testing.

    There are 6 type of zombies, 11 different weapons and 13 bonuses that will spawn in time. Also NPCs will spawn every now and then and they will be equipped with different weapons.

    There is an upgrade menu accessed by pressing Shift. Once the game is finished, upgrades will cost points to purchase. Still working on that. (also working on the UI part of it) But for testing purposes all of the upgrades are available without points.

    Right now there is a difficulty multiplier that goes up by small amounts in time. I use it to multiply health, speed, damage and of enemies and max amount of enemies in game. You can change it in Dev Menu. At 100 things get crazy fast.

    I would like to hear your opinions about the difficulty setting.

    I still have some work to do with UI design, sound effects and need to find a fitting music. I'll keep working on them. In the meantime I would really appreciate any kind of feedback.

    It would be especially helpful if you could tell me about the FPS value that is located at the bottom right of the screen. And tell me how the game performs on your computer.

    Thank you all for your time!

  • Thank you for your quick fix blackhornet! It works great now.

  • Hi blackhornet first of all thanks for the great plugin.

    It solved my "screen shake on the layout corner" problem effortlessly.

    However I have another problem.

    I want to shake the screen when player is firing the weapon and shake screen when there is an explosion. Shake magnitudes are different. Explosion has greater magnitude then firing a weapon.

    When player is firing and there is an explosion at the same time, explosion shake stops and weapon shake starts. So I lose the bigger explosion. I tried to find a condition to check if shake is active but I coulnd't find it. Can you help me how can I resolve this?

    Also another thing:

    I tried to overcome this by using two sine waves to shake the player when firing. It kinda worked... The sprite, that has scroll to plus behaviour, is pinned to player so camera is following him and creates a screen shake. And I can use screen shake effect from scroll to plus behaviour.

    However while player is at the corners of the layout, screen doesn't shake with him. Only the player does. I have 5 inset for scroll to and bound to layout behaviours. And screen shake on the behaviour workes nicely. Can this some how be worked around?

    Any ways thanks again for the plugin. And any help would be appreciated.

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Member since 8 Mar, 2018

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