ruonu's Recent Forum Activity

  • Very powerful, learn from you

  • I bought the license for construct 3, because I knew it from many years ago and started learning recently. I found that it was really good to get started, so I bought it. What I originally thought was to let myself learn about it, because it was also a person who researched and developed independent games. In fact, I still can't do much to get started. But I hope that I can help the construct 3 team better, so I bought it on the first day of the study. Hope that construct 3 is getting better and better!

    I also hope that I can work together with the construct 3 team to make progress together!

    Then I found a small problem is that I am in China, sometimes construct 3 will be slow to load. I don't know if there is any way.

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  • The phone can also be used normally, but one thing to note is that on the Apple phone, if you add the structure 3 to the desktop, the browser will still open when the test is running, and the game will not start testing. Others such as holding down the screen can create a group, two fingers can be dragged while holding down, you can study, the phone can be used.

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Member since 5 Mar, 2018

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