cyrad's Recent Forum Activity

  • I want to move all objects from one layer to another. However, I haven't been able to figure out how to select all objects (regardless of type) on a layer to do this.

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  • When a Tilemap loads (via "Load" action) from a TilesJSON expression, it will not load the rightmost tiles in each horizontal tile sequence. The same result occurs if the Tilemap object uses the "Set from JSON" action with the "AsJSON" expression as a parameter.

    Link to .capx file (required!):

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Create a tilemap onto a layout

    2. Populate the tilemap with tiles

    3. Create an event where the tilemap loads its own JSON

    Observed result:

    The Tilemap appears with the rightmost tiles in each horizontal sequence of tiles missing.

    Expected result:

    The Tilemap appears with all of its tiles present.

    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes

    Firefox: unconfirmed

    Internet Explorer: yes

    Operating system & service pack: Windows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1

    Construct 2 version: r152

  • Awesome! what magazine was this?

  • Those look pretty cool, Pixel Rebirth and Crackpot. I love the little cupcakes.

  • > Well the easiest way is on key pressing down, do the spin animation, when the key is released, keep the animation but move sonic forward at a much faster pace.


    > Is that what you mean? I'm not totally sure what you mean by physics of motion.

    as changing the angle of the sprite when it rotates 360 degrees for the platform?

    This isn't a trivial matter as changing the angle of the sprite is the algorithm that gives Sonic games their novelty and is difficult to replicate.

    This gives some details on the algorithm. I also recommend looking at Sonic Physics Guide, which is guide designed for creating Sonic fan games that gives details about the algorithms and variables used to create the classic games.

  • YoyoGames has very shoddy customer service.

    I used Game Maker for years, even doing my senior project using it. But everything changed when Mark Overmars handed it over to YoyoGames. Their initial license system was glitchy and only allowed one install. Back when licenses cost $20, they overcharged me. The receipt said $20, but my PayPal account was charged $25. PayPal confirmed this extra $5 came from the price of the unit, not from any extraneous fee. I submitted a support ticket to Yoyo (who then forwarded me to Softwrap), but never got a response.

    I also wasted so much money on re-buying licenses because of their glitchy license distribution and the requirement to buy a new license for every update to the software, such as the time I bough the 8.0 license only for them to release 8.1 a week later and give me little to no chance to transfer my license over.

    When YoyoGames announced a new suite of GameMakers for different platforms, I figured it was time to move on. With all the times they mishandled my licenses back when they cost only $20-$40, I rather not risk them doing the same when licenses cost hundreds of dollars.

  • You could easily build a site with Construct 2. However, I wouldn't have too much faith in the site rendering the same for every browser. Older browsers would also be incompatible.

  • I'm creating a puzzle platformer where putting a box on a button will trigger other puzzle elements to activate as long as the box remains on the button. For example, one button turns on a light while another opens a door. This works by having every object in the Triggerable family have an instance variable storing the UID of the Trigger object that activates it. Buttons are Triggers, Lights and Gates are Triggerables. Carriables are anything (like boxes) that can be carried and placed on a button.

    However, no button will activate if there exists a button already activated. I can't figure out what the problem is. I think it has something to do with picking, but I'm not sure. I'm certain the problem lies here:

    <img src="" border="0">

    Logic in question

    <img src="" border="0">

    No buttons activated. Note that the buttons are labeled by their UID and the door/lights are labeled by the UID of the buttons that trigger them.

    <img src="" border="0">

    A box is put on one button, triggering the light.

    <img src="" border="0">

    A box is put on another button, opening the door.

    <img src="" border="0">

    One box is placed on the door button, then another box is placed on the light button. However, the light button does not activate.

    The capx file is here.

    ASWD moves the character. Space jumps. E picks up and drops boxes.

  • For some reason, none of the keyboard shortcuts for Event Sheets work for me. I open a sheet, press R or G, and nothing happens.

    Edit: Nevermind. Apparently I was using an old version that didn't have them.

  • Replicating Pokemon's engine should be feasible, but the scope of the game is way too immense for a single person to do. Keep in mind that Pokemon is a game developed by a massive corporation.

    I would be wary of Nintendo. I've known many non-profit projects get Cease and Desist notices.

  • I have HostGator myself. They're cheap, easy to setup, and one of the plans lets you give a domain to one of your subdomains. That way, I can make a separate website for each of my games while still under the same hosting space.

    The only issues I had with them is that I can't host an SVN and stored procedures aren't supported for MySQL.

  • When I worked on my project yesterday, the editor was saving the event sheets but not the caproj file. After I closed Construct2 and opened the project again, the editor said the project was invalid because all of the event sheets were referencing objects and instance variables not listed in the caproj file. I had to edit the caproj file and manually add the objects and instance variables until the editor could open the project again.

    Before I understood the file dependencies, I made a versioned copy of the caproj file and nothing else. While that was a mistake, I wasn't expecting the editor to not save when told to several times and then render the entire project unopenable because it failed to save one file.

    I'm definitely going to resort to versioning after this. I'm not crazy about dropbox. It's versioning system doesn't go very far and everytime I had to reinstall my OS, I can never get access to my dropbox again.

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Member since 8 May, 2013

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