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  • Heyo! I submitted a suggestion and i would appreciate if y'all could have a look and perhaps upvote it. If the suggestion gets implemented, it would be an incredible step forward for modding construct games.

    If y'all want to discuss the merits of this or suggest existing solutions, I'm all ears!

    When exporting your project using Construct 3, the engine automatically merges art assets into shared sheets for memory considerations. That is nice except when you want to encourage modding in your game.

    Modders will want to replace Shared-Sheet2.png with their art. That's all fine and good. But what happens if the developer releases an update that adds a single image into the project? It will likely break all the mods for the game.

    This is because the engine will re-combine the art assets in the project into sheets without honouring the previous sheets. This causes a cascade of changes where nearly every sheet is a different art asset and mods that reference Shared-Sheet2.png are no longer referencing the same part of the game's art.

    Currently, the only way to have users swap out the same sprite art across multiple versions is to give them access to the construct file and have them compile the game themselves. This isn't ideal. A simple boolean that disables the Shared-Sheet generation would be a saviour in this respect.

  • I orchestrated a different way of testing it. Spawned a bunch of semi transparent circles with sine behaviors until fps was consistantly below 50 then stopped and displayed object count. Looks like nw.js has a 7% performance reduction over running the game directly in chrome preview.

    Not nearly as bad!

  • I created a simple project that has no events other than setting the text object's text to the current framerate. The project is configured to use full ticks with no vysnc to compare performance. When running the game in a web preview i get 106k frames per second, when running the exact same project as a nw.js export, i get 38k frames per second. Any thoughts? Perhaps we should use Electron instead?

    Shoutout to LukeW on the discord for, more recently, discovering the descrepenacy.


  • Just out of curiosity.. What are you doing in Animate that you cannot do in C3, since you own a C3 subscription already?

    (The only thing I knew was video export)

    It will hopefully by substantially cheaper because there are lots of things you can't do in animate that you CAN do in Construct. Not as much in the inverse direction/

  • Set Animation Frame to Array.At(X)

    Make sure the content in Array.At(X) is an integer value. Alternatively you can add int(Array.At(X)) to ensure that the value is converted to an integer if possible.

  • is a good place to start looking if you want to see awesome Construct creations.

  • My character runs around on a book. There is text that has to cover the entire playable area. See this trailer for more clarification.

    This is also why it's very inconvienant that the pixel rounding of text objects is not something i can turn off. On 1080p monitors the text objects all appear to be vibrating due to the rounding.

    I've had to work around this by making my text into pngs and using sprite objects. Unfortunately...

  • Out of curiosity, is it more performant theoretically to have 4 text objects that are 2048x2048 versus one that is 4096x4096?

  • Yes, i've used that approach to stack many text boxes to do Credits in a game before. But what solution is there if i want a line of text to be 2500px wide? Stacking vertically is easy, but stacking horizontally without wrapping?

    Like i said earlier, i went around the limitation by converting all of my text into a single png and using a sprite so its a moot point i suppose.

  • I should also add that, the reason my texture sizes are so large is because the viewport resolution is 1080p with Trilinear scaling enabled.

    The graphics are unfortunately too jittery when using Nearest Neighbor (Point) Sampling at 480x270

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  • I understand.

    To help you understand why i need(ed) such a feature i can share a screenshot of my game. In this game you play as a little man thats running around on the surface of a book. As you step on words, they have a chance to activate and cause things to happen in the environment. Sort of like a visual novel.

    In my case, i couldn't even use individual text boxes easily. I would need to divide my two existing columns into 3 columns of 2000px. That would make adjusting the text if i needed to add a sentence halfway through a paragraph or remove a few words, a total nightmare. This image you see would have to be composed of at least 12 individual text boxes that would need alignment. It's just not practical, especially if i have more than one level.

    I got around the text object limitation by writing all of the text in a 3d party program and importing it as a single image then using a Sprite Object.

  • It has been reported twice as a bug. Ashley informed those users that it is actually intended to cut down on memory usage.

    I was lamenting that it has to be so. Maybe if we can one day get an option to make the maximum size larger to support text boxes on big resolutions like 4k.

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Member since 28 Feb, 2018

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