NW.js Performance is worse than Chrome.

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  • I created a simple project that has no events other than setting the text object's text to the current framerate. The project is configured to use full ticks with no vysnc to compare performance. When running the game in a web preview i get 106k frames per second, when running the exact same project as a nw.js export, i get 38k frames per second. Any thoughts? Perhaps we should use Electron instead?

    Shoutout to LukeW on the discord for, more recently, discovering the descrepenacy.


  • I ran this test today on two separate PCs. My scores were:

    PC 1:

    editor: 158,000

    nwjs: 54,000

    PC 2:

    editor: 80,000

    nwjs: 30,000

  • These results are pretty misleading. Think in terms of frame times, instead of frames per second: the first is doing a frame once every ~9 microseconds, and the second is doing a frame once every ~26 microseconds. So NW.js probably has a per-frame overhead of ~17 microseconds. A typical frame at 60 FPS takes 16.7 milliseconds. So NW.js is adding an overhead of about 0.1% per frame. In other words the difference is negligible and there is no point worrying about it.

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  • I orchestrated a different way of testing it. Spawned a bunch of semi transparent circles with sine behaviors until fps was consistantly below 50 then stopped and displayed object count. Looks like nw.js has a 7% performance reduction over running the game directly in chrome preview.

    Not nearly as bad!

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