how much and i'd just have you mail me a check
do you have a lot of animations
try cutting down on frames
how much $
yes more info
a 123 drag and drop 3d program thinking about it would freeze your computer allot
pm sent
the problem is the sprites if your using sprites larger than veiwed then shrink them in the image editor
not just for beginners but for all 3d game makers unity is an exelent software and recently they made it so you can publish to andraid and ios for free with there free version of the software it used to cost $400 per platform and if you want somthing to do your art in thats free try this
heres the link for unity
heres an update
<img src="" border="0" />
<img src="" border="0" />
are you willing to pay a 3-4 digit figure for a game
the character
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
nice game good art except for mixing vector and bitmap art and not realy great game
Member since 29 Apr, 2013