You need to be more explicate , you are unable to post a video so no one will know what you need help on !
No problem , just ask if you need any more help and good luck on your game
you can get the last version here ... t/download
This might help,,,,,,,,,
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Yes there is a MOVE AT ANGLE , you will find it at SIZE and POSITION under your sprite actions.
This is really turning out great,very promising .
How many do you have now , you are limited to 4 in the free version.
Solid actions
Set enabled
Enable or disable Solid for this object. Be careful not to trap objects by enabling the solid when an object is overlapping it; see Avoid crushing/trapping objects with Solids.
I have this bridge in New York that I've been trying to sell for years , it spans between Brooklyn and Manhattan , as soon as it sells I will send you the money for a license .
Make a global variable , name it start or whatever you choose
when start button pressed set start variable to 1
then if start variable = 1 system every sec add 1 to money..............I think you get the idea
Set layout scale
Set the scale (or zoom) of an entire layout. This scales all the layers in the layout, taking in to account their scale rate property.
Why don't you just use a tiled background and set it's width according to the number of lives that you have
Member since 29 Apr, 2013