BurningWood - I too would love to see more RTS related projects, if I had the know how I would make one, my Isometric tutorial is going to target graphics for such a game though so hopefully it will give programmers and other devs the know how to create the art for such projects, as there isn't too many free assets out there for such a genre.
pixel Perfick - I am interested to see how this turns out, I would ahve offered you some help when I first saw this post up but I didn't have the time to reply fully... I'm going to help Sulli out with some platformer tiles and then I can probably give something a try, but I don't want to make any promises =]
I do have a character that I created for my project, but I decided to change up the style and I am sure you could find a use for it, I only have the static sprites and a run animation for it but it's in a very similar style as the soldier as I used that for the base, it's an astronaut though so it would probably fit into your scene if you tweak it a little... I will present the static sprite preview just as soon as I find the damn thing lol. If you like it, when I have time I will finish up the run animation and possibly a few more... It would actually be good to see it used as otherwise it would literally just sit on my HDD until I found a use for it.
Kin Regards