KitaWolf's Recent Forum Activity

  • That worked! Converted all my WAV files to MP3 and put them into my project. All works great now thanks again RanM :)

  • Awesome thanks I'll try that :)

  • Hi Construct guys and gals,

    I have a weird issue where my game has no sound. I have the Audio object added and I've added various sound effects that are in .WAV format and conform to Construct guidelines.

    During preview and even on my mobile, the sounds effects are not playing at all. Strangely enough, if I create a new project and add the exact same sound effects, the sound does work fine.

    I think I may have somehow disabled sound universally for the whole game. Where are the places I can check to see if I mistakenly muted the whole game's volume in Construct editor?

    Thanks all :)



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  • Hey mekonbekon,

    Excellent thank you that works great! Really appreciate your help and quick reply.

  • Hi guys,

    I'm new to the forums and I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this question. I have also looked through the forums and Scirra manuals for info on this particular thing but haven't found anything or anyone that shows a specific example that can help.

    I'm on the paid plan for Construct 3 and so I have access to the Array Editor (which is awesome by the way!). What I did was right click on the Files folder in the Project navigation pane, and selected New -> Array. I then made my Array:

    Height: 2

    Width: 2

    Depth: 1

    So I saved the array as array.json (just for this example), and it appears in the Files folder.

    Now I create my Array object in my layout (double click in layout and add array object)

    So I want to load the contents of array.json in my Files folder into the new Array object. I tried to use the Load from JSON String, but there doesn't seem to be a way to specify that array.json file that I want to load. I'm guessing there is an easy way to do this without having to load the actual JSON String and just load the file since it is in the Files folder in my Project?

    Really would appreciate any help from folks who have done this before, and apologies again if this is the wrong place to ask or if someone has asked before, just couldn't find any info on this.

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Member since 1 Feb, 2018

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