jasskr's Recent Forum Activity

  • There was an option i used earlier i.e. Browser (is on mobile device) to check weather the device running the game is Mobile device or not.

    I used it to implement Touch or Mouse Events accordingly. But in recent version of Construct, I couldn't find that option.

    Can anybody tell me if they have moved this option to somewhere else or any other way to find if the device is mobile or not??

  • I want to delete the animation frame of a specific frame number using actions from event sheet.

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  • I am making a Game where there is a correct answer (text object) placed randomly in layout. There is a box where the player has to drag and drop the correct answer. I applied the drag and drop behaviour to the text objects, that's working. But i cant apply the overlapping condition to verify if it's dropped in that box or not. Any guess how can i use that or any other way to fulfil that Condition??

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Member since 1 Feb, 2018

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