jonk's Recent Forum Activity

  • like 1 for normal, 1.25 or 1.5 ?


  • i cant find Plugin Text box addon (TextBoxAddon) by Scirra (default) - Gregory Georges too

    alt + tab windows 10 can cause freeze too

  • i think it is tricky

  • Wow amazing works thanks you :D

  • I want the user can rotate the minute which can affect hour. i have made a simple project, but i dont think its work seamlessly. Here is the capx

    thank you ^_^


  • What is "AJAX->Request Project File" mean ? If i request a video (inside project), then how do i play that video using video object ?

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  • why construct 2 uses service workers fetch event like this

    self.addEventListener("fetch", event =>
    	/** NOTE (iain)
    	 * This check is to prevent a bug with XMLHttpRequest where if its
    	 * proxied with "FetchEvent.prototype.respondWith" no upload progress
    	 * events are triggered. By returning we allow the default action to
    	 * occur instead. Currently all cross-origin requests fall back to default.
    	if (new URL(event.request.url).origin !== location.origin)
    	// Check for an update on navigate requests
    	const doUpdateCheck = (event.request.mode === "navigate");
    	const responsePromise = HandleFetch(event, doUpdateCheck);
    	if (doUpdateCheck)
    		// allow the main request to complete, then check for updates
    			.then(() => UpdateCheck(false))		 // not first check
    self.addEventListener('fetch', event => {
     if (event.request.mode === 'navigate') {
     // See /web/fundamentals/getting-started/primers/async-functions
     // for an async/await primer.
     event.respondWith(async function() {
     // Optional: Normalize the incoming URL by removing query parameters.
     // Instead of,
     // use when reading and writing to the cache.
     // For static HTML documents, it's unlikely your query parameters will
     // affect the HTML returned. But if you do use query parameters that
     // uniquely determine your HTML, modify this code to retain them.
     const normalizedUrl = new URL(event.request.url); = '';
     // Create promises for both the network response,
     // and a copy of the response that can be used in the cache.
     const fetchResponseP = fetch(normalizedUrl);
     const fetchResponseCloneP = fetchResponseP.then(r => r.clone());
     // event.waitUntil() ensures that the service worker is kept alive
     // long enough to complete the cache update.
     event.waitUntil(async function() {
     const cache = await'my-cache-name');
     await cache.put(normalizedUrl, await fetchResponseCloneP);
     // Prefer the cached response, falling back to the fetch response.
     return (await caches.match(normalizedUrl)) || fetchResponseP;
  • i have 15 videos in 15 difference layout, but the video cant be played. i have checked that google chrome could only play 4 videos after hosted it (in other browsers like firefox and safari is limitless maybe :p). is there any way i can do ?

  • now, i have turned off autoplay on the video and put a single button. When i clicked the button, the video started and then stopped. i don't know wheter it was buffering or lagging. the video just stop and i don't know what's happened (google chrome only). is google chrome needs to download pepperflash to play video on construct 2 ?

  • so, what should I do so that the video can be played? I put one button to start playing the video but the video doesn't appear too. Firefox and Safari can do it well, even though Safari can't play it automatically. is it a codex video problem? or maybe the built-in flash player problem ?

  • in other browsers, videos can be played directly when the layout is loaded. why can't chrome do it?

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Member since 20 Jan, 2018

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