SpielerZwei's Recent Forum Activity

  • This is the project I'm currently working on in my free time. It's a 2D sidescroller with stealth and puzzle elements. Work in progress, this is just a teaser. Teaser music licensed by premiumbeat.com.

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  • It's really sad. I actually like the fast paced event type "programming" of construct. But: It's no problem for me to program in c# - im just lazy. But as things come down I will have to switch to a more reliable engine. Plus: you have to train your coding skills which will help you to sustain in the REAL business....

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  • The real thing is we just don't know the limitations of the free c3... I bought c2 because of the event limitations. But I would not subscribe $ 99 a year for that. My current serious prototype is about 700 events and I will just switch to unity...

  • SpielerZwei

    Fyi. I can run blender, unity, , catia, AutoCAD just fine on surface pro 4. I regularly play heroes of the storm on it and it will even play Overwatch. Try running those on an android tablet. You are behind the times wrt integrated graphics performance. Also there are few laptops with stylus support.

    You didn't get my point. To be honest when it fits to your recommendations that's fine. But it doesn't to mine. When things get complex especially with 3d content or vr the performance of a surface is poor. Sure for simple 3d or 2d projects this isn't an issue. And sure you can't do that on a android tablet too... but that's not the point. Whatsoever I'm exited about what will be delivered by scirra.

    And even back to the topic: for me it makes no sense putting money on a overpriced tablet just to be mobile. But hey maybe for u or others it would be.

  • Sure. But when you are also working with 3d tools and other engines like unity3d or unreal the hardware limitations because of the gpu and the small screen are really annoying. Also, here in my workplace (higher technical school) we don't have the possibility to connect another screen. There just are none . And carrying around a big screen doesn't make any sense...

    Don't misunderstand - I totally get your points. But on my opinion you can get better and more useful hardware by just buying a laptop. Finally

    Back to topic. As said before: scirra wrote they will integrate touch for c3 interface. So let's see in April how well this will work out ... we will see

  • Let's see this from a different side:

    When you're developing a mobile game and it runs smoothly on the android device (in the browser or direct apk build) - you know exactly where you will end up with performance. With C2 this is not so easy - you are forced to export regularly apks and check for perfomance issues. What runs fine on your x86 development pc rig / surface tablet could run with poor performance on a android/iphone or whatever mobile device - so for me this is a huge improvement on mobile game developement we will get with C3...

    For sure there are still so many things we DONT know about C3 - so it's difficult to imagine what the cloud / browser based design really can improve for mobile game developement.

    Personally I don't want to develope on a mobile device (even if it is a surface). Here in my institute there are some people using surface tablet pcs... And yeah they suck . Shitty keyboard, small screen - meh...

  • But I wander, what device should I pick?

    I think it should have very very strong CPU, good ram, good videocard.

    In a tablet? This is somehow a apparent contradiction... Maybe the Surface comes close (in fact the built in hardware is the same as in a common laptop) - but then u have to rely on the CPU-integrated Intel HD Graphics-Card with poor performance...

    Get a cheap android tablet - will do the job. Depends on how the touch interface is integrated in c3. I personally won't attach a mouse/keyboard to a tablet in order to work "mobile"...

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Member since 18 Apr, 2013

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