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  • Thanks for the reply, it is working for me now as well, and no it wasn't a wifi issue :)

  • I have been getting this message in the last hour or so when I tried to export my project. It worked fine this morning, but I'm not sure why the build failed due to the connection error.

  • Hi, thanks for the reply. I tried to do the thing that you suggested yesterday, but I still got the same result. I tested the game on test-flight. The message hasn't changed and it's still the initial alert. I tried to find the orientation/motion plugin or the orientation request function and perhaps change that original message on Xcode but I failed to do so.

  • Does anyone know anything about this, it would be appreciated if you could help. I'm trying to release the game asap. :) To clarify even more, I need to edit the orientation and motion alert so I can add an explanation for why the access is needed!

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  • I'm not sure if this will work, I can't open the file. But you can try this > if object 1 is overlapping object 2 then have one of the objects move forward a few pixels.

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  • Hi, I'm trying to release a new game on the App Store, but it got rejected because of this "We noticed that your app requests the user’s consent to access their motion and orientation but does not clarify the use of the motion and orientation in the applicable purpose string."

    How can I edit the orientation request to add an explanation/reason why those two are needed?


  • When I uploaded the game on the application loader I got this message.

    ERROR ITMS-90725: "SDK Version Issue. This app was built with the iOS 12.1 SDK. New apps for iPhone or iPad must be built with the iOS 13 SDK or later."

    PhoneGap uses iOS 12.1 SDK and it seems like they won't update it any time soon, what are some other alternatives to PhoneGap that use iOS 13. My game is finished and this is all I need.

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Member since 2 Jan, 2018

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